Saturday, December 27, 2008

Linsey Dawn And Friends Dailymotion

Miroslava and his "suicide" not convinced

+ More than 50 years away, "officially" a suicide, but not credible

+ Ensures that died in a plane crash, and then prepared scenarios

was + affair with a son of Plutarco Elias Calles


Miroslava, known in his time as one of the most beautiful foreign faces in Mexican cinema, is one of those rare cases, because 51 years ago and his tragic death is not yet has been able to clarify if it was really a suicide.

Miroslava was as it was known in our country, but in fact was called and had hacido Miroslava Sternova on February 26, 1926 in Prague, Czechoslovakia. Her pretty face was their best weapon, because his performances were merely good, never even took away his voice abroad, babbling many words. And oddly, when he had finished filming "Essay of a crime" which no doubt was his best performance, under the leadership of the great filmmaker Luis Buñuel.

His handsome face, well concealed melancholy or sadness, as can capture photos in virtually every study that is handled at the time, but you could tell in the movies.

When his death occurred on March 10, 1955 in Mexico City, was said to have committed suicide out of disappointment that had caused the marriage- -9 days before your big love the bullfighter Luis Miguel Dominguin with the Italian actress Lucia Bosé, then parents of the singer Miguel Bosé. But why after 9 days? Well, as published in newspapers in Mexico City at the time, apparently waited to finish his share in "Test of a crime." do you think it might be possible, wait 9 days when despair was greater on the first day he learned of the wedding?

Even in his time, Carmen Montejo, who was an intimate friend of Miroslava actually said that she had committed suicide for the wedding, as happened before what really hurt when Dominguín formally decided to break the relationship they had, because he loved another woman. In addition, Carmen says that she never said anything that indicated I was very desperate or had intentions of committing suicide. I was also very young -29 years, and his career flourished only because he was only 9 years in film and has just participated in "School for Beggars" by Pedro Infante and the tape had been a success, and then was hired by Luis Buñuel for "Test of a crime" which shows that it was quality acting.

But Ernesto Alonso saw his friend because he worked with her in the movie was her debut for her "tragic Wedding" in 1946 and then again they were together in the was his last film "Rehearsal for a Crime" in 1955, but never said anything about a possible suicide, believing him that if she had in mind that if you talked, I knew he would try to dissuade her.

addition, it was his first disappointment in love, since before she was married to Jesus Gomez Obregon, and the marriage ended when she discovered that she was cheating with another man.

cast of "Rehearsal for a Crime," the center, the mannequin-

Obviously had a deep resentment of his two great failures of love, but said it was not enough to decide to end his life. In 1955 was published in the newspaper Novedades, they asked the actress about the wedding of his great love Dominguín, and requested that he not ask about it. And then she told the reporter who better to ask what he thinks about the men and said: "Until I can not find the man of my dreams, that fills all my expectations, I will believe in men and also believe in love ".

addition, the question remains in the air "Miroslava committed suicide by disappointment Dominguín affair with if the bullfighter was famous just for his romances with María Félix, Ava Gardner, Rita Hayworth and actress caualquier fashion? And precisely that was how they met and Moroslava Dominguín by his gifts of a lover, because when she wanted to go to Spain, the government accused her of spying and denied admission, but the torero came to his defense and was able to enter and from then began a romance, which she knew that would not last long, if the bullfighter was famous for his conquests accelerated.

His death for most who knew and saw in their films, remains inexplicable. However, was reported that the likely explanation is that not commit suicide, but died in a plane crash, along with Jorge Pasquel, "son of Plutarco Elias Calles, politician and owner of the newspaper Novedades, who had previously been charged smuggling and selling concessions using its influence in government. They traveled in a C-60 since the forties had been banned in Mexico after President Lazaro Cardenas was almost an accident. The plane crashed in Ciudad Valles, San Luis Potosi, March 8, 1955. They found 7 bodies, but in the flight recorder contained only 6 passengers. And never was found "officially" the seventh body, because it was supposed to be actress and played the role of a lover. Identified only to the 3 pilots, a radio operator, a mechanic and foreman.

But curiously, the maid Maria del Rosario Navarro, Miroslava has not seen since 8 March, and the next day playing, but insists he does not care and it is up to the 10th of March when he decided to enter the balcony and found dead in her bed, holding a picture of Dominguín on his chest. And the next day, 12, police ya estaba presentado tres cartas de la supuesta suicida, cartas que la criada no vió nunca cuando penetró al cuarto de Miroslava por el balcón.

Y dicen que por eso precisamente, intervino la Asociación Nacional de Actores para que se le dispensara la autopsia y que el cuerpo fuera incinerado, porque supuestamente fue una petición del padre de la actriz para tener junto esas cenizas junto a su madre, en el Panteón Jardín de la ciudad de México.

Y como para que leave no doubt on this version in the newspaper La Prensa published an interview in which the Cuban actor Cesar del Campo says she had been talking with March 7 and told him about having various work plans and that was going out to San Luis Potosi to make some personal appearances.

And then on March 13 the same newspaper reported that they had not yet been buried because Miroslava ashes in the mausoleum where his mother was supposed to not exist. And the ashes of both, Miroslava and mother ended up in the morgue.

And more shocking was what he told the actress Carmen Sevilla, warning that let anyone get close to the coffin, but it sure looked like the doll manufactured for Bunuel was the last film Miroslava , "Test of a crime."

For some it was clear it was not suicide, but "officially" the authorities of the time, claimed that it was.

until Sunday. My email:


Saturday, December 20, 2008

Brazilian Wax Koh Samui

the great actor Anthony Perkins in "Psycho"

+ Since Hitchcock filmed this tape, he was typecast in those roles

+ In his second film had been nominated Oscar for best actor

+ also filmed several films in Europe, but the best, the U.S. shot in


Anthony Perkins had already 7 years in the movies and had worked in more than 8 films in 1960 as the magician of suspense, Alfred Hitchcock, put him in the role of male star of the movie "Psycho", and that launched him to stardom as an actor, but also the film is considered one of the best in the famous British director plump.

Anthony Perkins in the role of the young man who kept a hotel owned by her mother, and she remained sitting on his couch even though he had already long time to have died, because he had mad up become a murderer, he won a lot of money and popularity.

But despite the great success he achieved this film, Alfred Hitchcock never wanted to do a sequel, much less a "remake" or repetition, but now in color. That's why -20 years later-when Hitchcock died, was filmed a sequel to this film and although it agreed to join Janet Leigh, believed that a sequel would impact. But there was fulfilled the omen of a good movie buff "sequels were ever good." And the tape failed.

However, now was the actor who was obsessed about it, and three years after that second part, now it was he who directed "Psycho III", but again failed, probably because even when they used the story based on the two sequels, the arrangements they made to the plot other writers, did not please the majority. But really, what happened was that it was impossible to find a comparison with a Hitchcock film, because the viewer only dedicated to finding comparisons. And it was not that. Maybe would have liked if it was titled differently and said it had not been based on that tape.

Anthony, born in New York an April 4, 1932, brought the film in the veins, because his father was the actor James Ripley Osgoon Perkins. And therefore no surprise that only the second film in which he had intervened, "Friendly Persuasion" in 1956, received an Oscar nomination as best actor. Even at that time it was published that was the favorite and was also the one that offered better performance than the other candidates for the Oscar.

Janet Leigh

Then he went to Europe where he worked under the guidance of several famous and in movies such as "Phaedra" based on a letter of Euripides, and then shoot " The process "based on a theme of Kafka and directed by Orson Welles, who won the Academy Award for criticism. But then nothing worked unless under orders from Mexican director Servando Gonzalez in the film "The fool killer" (Murderer of fools) where he showed as a cruel murderer. And since that time, Anthony was sealed to those papers, because many papers offered him evil or a murderer.

Alfred Hitchcock and Janet Leigh

While the world was not widely known that Anthony was bisexual, and much less at that time knew anything about AIDS, he had no problem to love on the screen to many beautiful and famous actresses. But he had many affairs with many men, like the famous actor Tab Hunter, or the dancer Rudolf Nureyev and choreographer Grover Dale, with whom she had a relationship of six years, even until shortly before the actor was married to Berry Berenson -sister of actress Marissa Berenson, "but when he went to actress Victoria Principal, came to testify that he was gay. And that unrestricted sexual life led him to contract AIDS, dying in 1992, when he was 60 years old. His son is actor Osgood Perkins Perkins called Ox, while his other son, Elvis Perkins, is dedicated to music. Their mother, Berry, died in the American Airlines Flight 11 that was crashed on one of the twin towers during the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 in the United States.

At 43 years old Anthony Perkins was already considered a veteran actor who already had experience in film, such as playing the role of Jean Simons boyfriend in the comedy "The Actress" directed by George Cukor in 1953 as the son of Gary Cooper "The great temptation" that was a great melodrama, or the paranoid baseball player in "Overcoming Fear" or as a basketball hero in "Tall Story" with Jane Fonda. Or as the boyfriend of the beautiful brainless Hemburn Audrey in "The flower that did not die", or "Phedra" which is a passionate incestuous stepson of Melina Mercouri, until he came with his role as psychopath in "Psycho" because thereafter appeared in many movies like crazy, psychotic, or at least with tics or tartamudenado because he was an accomplice to a crime in "Pretty Poison", or a homosexual suicide in "Play it as it Lays", or lover Diana Ross in "Mahogandy." That's why he came to say "It's exhausting to keep that image. I still think it's good, sure, that people should see me in a different light and ...".

But it also had success in theater, because when the star was involved in "Equus" replaces Anthony Hopkins, was that the success that the audience gave a standing ovation.

Today we remember him as a great actor.

until Sunday. My email:

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Can Blunts Effect Pregnancy

Nicole Kidman blends beauty and talent

+ proved with facts that is successful actress without Tom Cruise

+ His most successful movies, without Tom . He won the Oscar, the year of his divorce

+ "The Hours", "Portrait of a Lady," "Moulin rouge, "his best films by H


From the beautiful American-Australian actress Nicole Kidman said her screen success depended on its relationship with famous actor Tom Cruise. However, it has been demonstrated, without Tom Cruise, which is really a great actress, especially because in the year she divorced Tom, was when he won the Oscar for Best Actress for her excellent inrerpretación in the film "The Hours" based on the life of Virginia Woolf.

even posting that it was Nicole Kidman having participated in nine films in Australia and unable to achieve international success she aspired and favored because he had recently had a success at international level is reached with "Dead Calm" next great Australian actor Sam Neil, left everything he had in Australia, even saying that he was engaged to actor Billy Zane and will soon be married, and went to the United States to participate in the casting for the movie "Days of Thunder" directed by Tony Scott, but from the moment Tom saw that it was drawn for their beauty, not only did that bring to the starring role, but there in the shooting of the film began the big romance, and I for Christmas the following year he was married. And not even matter that for the film Tom had to use very high-heeled shoes, yet Nicole looked taller than he.

But the film also was a exitaso, because until the song became very famous. And even more convinced that the couple, because it benefited them both together.

Never had children, because apparently Tom was sterile since he had surgery to remove a benign tumor. And it says that the reason for the divorce was that the actor wanted to educate 2 children adopted by the religion of Scientology that he has for many years, like the actor John Travolta, among others. And she wanted to educate them about Catholicism. However, before signing the divorce, she gave some very revealing statements that had never done before, and claimed his right to get pregnant and having a child of their own. That was his great desire, and so probably ended the relationship and they divorced in 2002 and although she said she had some romantic relationships, as with the Italian producer Fabrizio Lombardo, with actor Billy Zane and later with rock singer Lenny Kravitz. It was not until this year, June 25, 2006, when she married the musician Keith Urban.

married already worked together in two or three films, as actor or producer, but success was just regular, the public demanded them both that everyone seek out only without having to need a partner. And she was first promoted by itself, and though it seemed he had no success in their sales, soon began to apply and demonstrate that it really can do all sorts of roles and the quality of his performance also depends largely on the history and management that gives the director, as in "Batman Forever", "All for one dream "(To die for), then" Portrait of a Lady "directed by none other than New Zealander Jane Campion's Oscar-winning" The Piano "- but also participated in the action film" The Peacemaker "next George Clooney, then as a witch in "Magic Potion" with Sandra Bullock, but then Stanley Kubrick (the creator of "2001 Odyssey space "and" Clockwork Orange ") reunites Nicole with her husband Tom Cruise in" Eyes Wide Shut (Eyes Wide Shut), which showed scenes of nudity that were more famous and interesting when they were promoted when on the screen, but also auque the movie is good, it was not what most expected, as the tape was regular at the box office and with critics, and they returned to stress that this was the best example that no will be successful in bed scenes, if they really are husband and wife.

And to decide again intervene only in films selected for her, Nicole Kidman became a success in his next film "Moulin Rouge" a great musical that allowed her to win the Golden Globe and an Oscar nominción for his performance in addition to the film won 2 from 8 Oscar nominations, and was the winner and nominee in more than 15 international festivals. Then

intervene in the thriller "The Others" directed by Alejandro Amenabar English for which he was again nominated for a Golden Globe, but also had success with the comedy "Birthday Girl", and then came in just his voice thriller "Panic Room" "Because he injured a foot and could not intervene as an actress, starring Jodie Foster and Forrest Whitaker, but in 2002 came his big hit" The Hours "directed by Stephen Daldry and English based on the life of Virginia Woolf, acting alongside Julianne Moore and Meryl Streep, Nicole logando win the Oscar and Golden Globe for his best performance, in addition to the film received another 8 Oscar nominations and also won the Berlin Film Festival.

So, still no Tom Cruise showing that it could have a successful career in film, including awards to win renown as Oscar and Golden Globe

And success continued when he worked at "Could Mountain" because he was again nominated for a Golden Globe, but the actress Renée Zellweger won the Oscar and Golden Globe and ribbon received 6 Oscar nominations and won other awards at international festivals. And the success continued with the thriller "Birth," then with "The Interpreter", among others. Now you're out "Imaginary Portrait of Diane Arbus" and has been working on the set or preparation of 6 films that will debut next year and some others in 2008.

Nicole Mary Kidman, his real name, was born in Hawaii on June 20, 1967, but up to 4 years of age were living in Washington, United States, and then went to Australia, because his father was investigating cancer but also was a master's degree in Sydney, Australia. Nicole from 3 years old and took ballet classes. In Australia entered a theater school for youth, and at 14 years of age in 1983, he worked in television series and some films like "Christmas" (Christmas Bush) still continues to cast in some countries at Christmas time. Then Nicole had to leave his career because his mother was stricken with breast cancer. And when he recovered, he returned to acting.

It is precisely in his youth, in 1987 when she is awarded as best young actress in the dramatic miniseries "Vietnam" and then go on to win the same "Logie Award as Best Actress in the mini-series on Australian television "Bangkok Hilton". This figure, incidentally, is not included several of his biographies that have been poblicadas in various newspapers.

And this means that she always was a good actress, and the only thing needed is to have his side a good director with a good story.

then was when he worked in the thriller "Dead Calm" in 1989 which presents the amazing story of a couple, Nicole Kidman and Billy Zane traveling on his yacht and half of the ocean is a man who asks for help desperately waving his arms. When you cuddle up, the victim, Sam Neill, "I said that it seemed that his yacht has a problem in the case and asks you to check to see if I could repair them. As the man agrees to help and review the case, the course climbs to hit another boat and steals it all and his wife. The story was quite an impact in their home pois, Australia, because they are men who live very related to the sea and their risks for living on an island. And that was the first film Nicole is distributed in the United States and with that began to be known as an actress but also as a beautiful woman.

If you are interested in writing, this is their address: Nicole Kidman. C / O Dell Nancy Seltzer 6220 Valley Drive CA 90048 USA.

until Sunday. My email:


Saturday, December 6, 2008

Rockman Exe Stream Subbed Streaming

Those who prefer mature relationships

+ Demi Moore (43)-Asthton Kutcher (27), Gwyneth Paltrow (33) - Chris Martin (28).

+ Luis Miguel, Lucia Mendez, Mirka Dellanos, Mariah Carey, for example

+ E.Guzmán-Silvia Pinal, Omar Fierro Verónica Castro, Serrano, Pato Zambrano


Why the big stars on particularly males, prefer more mature partner? Could it be because they want to have someone beside him to make his mom? It could, but what is striking is that this theme is repeated again and again today.

Demi Moore and Justin Timberlake

Not that one might think that this is convenencieros romances for money or gain power by his side. It is really romantic attractions, almost certainly because they seek mature women have a greater peace in their relationship as a couple, the experience they have.

However, has also been shown that the vast majority of these relationships, but came to have moments or periods of great love and great relationship, do not last together, probably because it gets to be angry having to lily with an adult woman, and this lily with a "brat."

and former high-profile cases of the relations of famous screen in our country, one could cite the Maria Felix with Antoine Tzapoff, or the singer Enrique Guzman, Silvia Pinal, or Omar Fierro Veronica Castro, or with Lucia Mendez Luis Miguel, Mariah Carey and Mirka Dellanos, or Ricky Martin with Rebeca de Alba, or of Abraham Arlette Pacheco Ramos.

Cameron Diaz

And internationally, who could forget the great drama that lived in the beginning of his career John Travolta, because after the huge success with "Fever Saturday evening "and" Grease ", then totally overshadowed affected him emotionally because the death of his partner, a woman almost twice his age. Years later, he was able to overcome their emotional conflicts and practical love science "sientología", which is considered a connoisseur. But in 1991 married to actress Kelly Preston, 8 years older than John and now have two children.

But women are attracted to someone younger, such as the beautiful Demi Moore, who after a lot of years to mature, taking as husband Bruce Willis was just 7 years older than she ended up separating in spite of that Bruce had had as a couple when she had drug problems, but was always at his side at the worst moments. Now with a well established career and a picture that no one remembers who struggled with drugs, is when he broke his marital relationship and which included 3 children.

Now, the haunting romantic actress "The shadow of love", or sesual "Strip-tease" or the controversial "An indecent proposal" and the interesting "GI Jane" based on the story actual first woman to pass the test to be an elite agent Seals, go very caramelized with actor Justin Timberlake is 19 years younger than her and just have about 4 performances in film and many others on television.

Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin

But this case draws attention because, Justin Timberlake after being boyfriend of then famous singer Britney Spears in a relationship that could be considered "normal" because both were the same age, then he engaged in an affair with Cameron Diaz, 11 years older than him, then went to extremes with Demi Moore because they separated 19 years apart, and besides, she already has three children.

Cannon Mariah Carey and Rick

Another case in which males prefer more veteran, is the American actress Gwyneth Paltrow, who at age 31 began dating musician Chris Martin of Coldplay, but then 26 months after starting the relationship began to live together and months later they married and spent their honeymoon in the beaches of Baja California, Mexico. Now your child is 5 years.

But it is noteworthy that before, Gwyneth suffered a major heartbreak for having taken an affair with Brad Pitt, 9 years her junior, and after having gone to the Andes, where they filmed scenes of "7 Days in Tibet" - to receive the engagement ring Brad offered, thundered their relationship right there ..

As you see, are mostly relationships not lasting.

until Sunday. My email:


Saturday, November 29, 2008

Was There A Man On A Bike On The Milk Tray Advert

40 Movies have been filmed in Colima

+ Several foreign nationals and Colima, is filmed here since 1901

+ Pierce Brosnan, Gerard Depardieu, Julie Andrews, Vannessa Williams, Donald Pleascense, Linda Carter, Ernest Borgnine, Anthony Quinn, Burt Reynolds, Arthur Kennedy, Rita Moreno, filmed in Colima

+ Mexicans: Silvia Pinal, Pedro Armendariz Jr., Luis Aguilar, David Reynoso, Fernando Soler, Jose Alonso, Emilio Fernandez, Julio German, Lilia Prado, Sergio Corona, Ofelia Medina, among others


In the state of Colima 40 movies have been filmed. Even the first was in 1901. And there in all genres, some good, some good and others not like them. This activity has allowed film in Colima were present greats of international cinema and México.Pero Colima also has its own control.

Bo Derek in "10, The Perfect Woman"

have been filmed in the state of Colima on all films, but also some short, a soap opera and part of another, even biographical documentaries, or cultural. The first activity

film which is proof that it was made in the state of Colima, silent short documentaries were made in 1901 "Bullfight" and "The Buffs Cuyutlán" directed by Guillermo Becerril. Then in 1906 he filmed the short documentary Colima "A good rider, rodeo in Colima" directed by Salvador Toscano. And the most recent shooting in Colima was the short 39-minute "La Yerbabuena, community resistance" carried out this 2008 by Nicholas Defossé, which deals with indigenous people who still have remained despite government pressure to remove them and turn the place into a private tourist space. The short is also another complaint, "Ultimatum" gap "produced and directed in 2008 by Rodrigo Reyes a duration of 28 minutes is about the ecological damage they believe is causing the construction of a regasification plant in Cuyutlán lagua.

"The corner of the Virgins"

With the filming of these 40 films and shorts in the State of Colima, has benefited from the presence of luminaries of international cinema and Mexican at the time, and foreign Pierce Brosnan, Anthony Quinn, Dudley Moore, Julie Andrews, Gerard Depardieu, Donald Pleascense (The Great Escape, Halloween), Burt Reynolds, Ernest Borgnine, Vanessa Williams, Linda Carter (Wonder Woman), Brian Dennehy (the Rambo makes you angry, and so started the attacks), Richard Egan, Debra Messing, Rita Moreno, Arthur Kennedy, Emilia Stuart.

Mexicans were among the famous Silvia Pinal, Pedro Armendariz Jr., Enrique Lucero, Armando Soto "Butter", Jorge Luke, Alma Muriel, Norma Lazareno, Julio German, Luis Aguilar, Pancho Cordoba, Lilia Prado, Emilio Fernandez, Carmen Salinas, Elsa Cardiel, Alfonso Arau, Patricia Reyes Espindola, Margarita Isabel, José Alonso, Gerardo Quiroz, Sergio Corona, Mauricio Herrera, Julián Pastor, Jaime Fernandez, Victor Alcocer, Alicia Montoya, Isabela Corona, Juan Ferrara, Fernando Soler, Jaime Fernandez, David Reynoso, Valentín Trujillo, Ofelia Medina, Elsa Aguirre, Jorge Rivero, Hector Ortega, Arturo Beristain, Jorge Martínez de Hoyos, Jaime Moreno, Gustavo Rojo, Carlos Pinar, Raquel Olmedo, Angelica Chain, among others.

most managers were filmed in Colima Colima Alberto Isaac with four films (Women insumisas, Gabriel's days, "Kill Chinto, Corner of virgins), while Roberto Gavaldón filmed The figures Arena, Sergeant Perez and When spiders weave.

But in Colima were talented filmmakers like Luis Buñuel English to shoot Manzanil, Colima the film "The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe" in 1954, which was nominated for an Oscar, received 6 Ariel Awards and two nominations for other awards.

was also in 1979 in Manzanillo, Colima, Blake Edwards, the author of The Pink Panther "to shoot" 10, the Perfect Woman "with Bo Derek, a film that was very fashionable worldwide box office and generated hairstyle, but also received two nominations and 5 Oscar nominations for other awards.

Manzanillo was also in the award-winning Emilio Indio Fernández in 1979 to lead the lackluster "Erotica" Jorge Rivero, and then to act on "The corner of the Virgins", directed by Alberto Isaac.

Of filmed in Colima and who won awards were "Keep the Faith, Baby" winning 3 awards and 8 nominations, while "MacHale's Navy" filmed in Manzanillo in 1997 won a prize, while "Women insumisas" won 2 awards and 15 nominations, and "The corner of virgins" 1 Award.

Other directors famous in his time who led in Manzanillo, were Kevin Inch (Remington Stile) and has directed episodes of the TV series "Beverly Hills 90210" and "Baywatch" as well as Bryan Spicer the " Prison Break, Julian Soler, Hector Ortega, Arturo Martinez shot in Coquimatlán, Colima churro "Sergeant Smith", among others.

bill of short films to Colima, the documentary highlights the 53-minute "We will never forget," performed, produced and written in 2003 by the Colima Jose Roberto Levy, with footage of the destruction caused in Colima, by the 2003 earthquake.

Other local shorts are "Suchitlán inside and outside" short documentary made in Suchitlán, Colima, in 2001 led by Maria Guadalupe Chavez and Juan Carlos Daza, written by Maria Guadalupe Chavez and Ciesa production and the University of Colima. And another is "Suchitlán ... Rescuing traditions "held in 2006, 21 minutes duration, directed, written and produced by Alma Méndez Trujillo. Another documentary, "The goblins, games and parotas" of 28 minutes duration performed in Nogueras, Colima in 2001 directed and written by Andrés Villa.

Documentary "Rescue Revillagigedo Islands" is a short documentary made by the Navy Department in 1957 under the direction of Luis Spota. Also, the short 28-minute "The Petatera" directed and written by Carlos Mendoza and produced by the UNAM in 1999 and dealing with the monumental plaza de toros "La Petatera" which is made of logs, mats, tables and rope , for use during Bullfighting celebrations Charro Villa de Alvarez, Colima, show that already has more than 150 years.

Films Colima have been filmed in whole or in part, have been "Bullfight" (1901), "The Buffs Cuyutlán" (1901), "A good rider, rodeo in Colima" (1906), "Journey Manzanillo "(1909)," Adventurer of the Sea "(1939)," The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe "(1954)," Seven Cities of Gold "(1955)," Rescue of the Revillagigedo Islands "(1957)," No There are crosses on the Sea "(1968)," Shark! "(1969)," The figures Sand "(1970)," Days of Love "(1972)," The corner of virgins "(1972)," Sergeant Smith "(1973)," Holidays mysterious "(1977)," When spiders weave " (1979), "Erotica" (1979), "10, the perfect woman" (1979), "La Chèvre" (1981) (crazier than a goat), "Computercide" (1982) (TV), "Remington Steele "(1982)," Nacos vs. narcos "(1990)," Kill Chinto! "(1990)," Eden "(1993) (TV Series)," Women insumisas "(1995)," The Playa del Desire "(1995)," Passing the century in the cinema "(1996) (TV Series), " McHale's Navy "(1997), " The Petatera "(1999)," The goblins, games parotas "(2001)," Suchitlán inside and outside "(2001), " Keep the Faith, Baby "(2002) (TV), " We will never forget "(2003)," Against Odds "(2005) (TV Series)," Rescuing Suchitlán traditions ... "(2006)," Rumbo a. .. our beautiful Mexico "(2007)," Ruta Mexico "(2007) (TV Series) "Hugs counted "(2007)," Ultimatum Lagoon "(2008)," LaYerbabuena, community resistance "(2008).

And for those courses was filmed in 2004 and the successful blockbuster "Kill Billy 2" directed by Quentin Tarantino and starring Uma Thurman, David Carradine, Lucy Liu , and Darryl Hannah and Samuel L. Jackson. But also a few scenes were filmed in the area in 1980 of the film "Cape Blanco" with Charles Bronson, Jason Robards, Dominique Sanda, Fernando Rey and Jorge Russek.

But certainly that really gave much publicity to Manzanillo and Las Hadas was the movie "10, the perfect woman "because they were here in 1977, Europe's best-known comedian, Dudley Moore and Bo Derek at that time had been widely promoted as a sex symbol, but Edwards was in Manzanillo Blacke (producer of The Pink Panther ) as director of that film, and the actress Julie Andrews, conosidísima at that time for his role in the movie "Mary Poppins."

Emilio Fernandez

But one of the first Mexican movie was filmed almost entirely on location in Manzanillo was "No crosses into the sea "in 1968 directed by Julian Soler with the then young girl who wanted Mercedes Carreño momentum as a sensual woman, but were also on that tape, and Manzanillo-Fernando Soler, Pedro Armendáriz Jr. , Isabela Corona, Juan Ferrara, Sergio Barrios, Alicia Montoya.

Figuras de arena "in 1970 was filmed entirely on location in Manzanillo, headed by Roberto Gavaldón, with starring Elsa Aguirre, but many Colima could go on filming locations and get up close cast some other stars as Ofelia Medina, David Reinoso, Jorge Lavat, Barbara Angely, Víctor Alcocer, Alfredo Wally Barron, Tamara Garina, Valentín Trujillo, Hugo Stiglitz, among others. Another

which was filmed entirely in 1973 Coquimatlán was "Sergeant Smith" a comedy directed by Arturo Martinez actor on screen was best known for his continuing role as "bad", and here also appeared as actor, but in the lead roles were Julio German, Luis Aguilar, Norma Lazareno, Juan Gallardo, Celia Viveros , Lina Michel, Bruno Rey, Isabel Soto la Marina, Eduardo de la Peña-mime-Elsa Cardiel, and were many well-known Mexican actors, who were coquimatlenses like going to all the places where scenes were shot, mostly because they used a lot as extras.

But in Manzanillo was filmed a tape of a lot of action on our beaches, with persecutions in speedboats and alleged shooting, was in 1997 with "McHale's Navy", a film nortemericana directed by Brian Spicer, a comedy starring Ernest Borgnine in the starring role. Supposedly the action takes place on a Caribbean island.

"Women insumiso

However, the films were directed by the Colima Alberto Isaac, the most abundant land have been filmed in Colima, but also the most watched and known people in our village. In 1972 he filmed the first, "Days of Love" with Jorge Martinez de Hoyos, Anita Blanch, Arturo Beristain, Marcela López Rey, Hector Ortega, Colima and appeared on the screen as Mario Brizuela, Gabriel Portillo, Manuel Cedeño, Carlos Hugo Schulte, Henry Silva, Paco Zaragoza, among others.

Then he filmed "The corner of the Virgin" in 1972, Emilio Fernandez, Alfonso Arau, Rosalba Brambila was a hottie then and Alberto Isaac made it appear totally running naked on the side of the pool of what was the Bath of the Horse "in the cross-Herrera Necromancer, as well as Carmen Salinas, Lilia Prado, Pancho Cordova, Hector Ortega, and again those cited Colima above.

Then in 1990 filmed in Manzanillo "Chinto Kill!" On a true story that occurred in the Colonial Hotel, performances by Pedro Armendáriz Jr., Hector Ortega, Eduardo Lopez Rojas, Gerardo Quiroz, and some Manzanillo, including Lau Chan.

Alberto Isaac And in 1995 he took leave of this world filming what was his posthumous ribbon "Women insumisas" also based on a true story happened in Comala, about a group of women who decide to leave and leave here braziers their husbands and family. In the cast were Joseph Alonso, Jorge Araujo, Lourdes Elizarrarás, Margarita Isabel, Graciela Lara, Regina Orozco, Hector Ortega, Patricia Reyes Espindola , and since then several small roles entered Colima.

As you may realize, yes there is a history of Colima in the film.

until Sunday. My email:


Saturday, November 22, 2008

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an exceptional actor Laurence Olivier

+ Without doubt, the best performer of Shakespeare's characters in film and theater


received eleven Oscar nominations, won for Hamlet and won another for his career

+ won best actor in all famous international festivals


Laurence Olivier is still the best interpreter of Shakespeare's characters in film and in the theater. And, therefore, was an actor who was nominated as best actor for 11 times and won the Oscar for "Hamlet" and then got another in recognition of his career, but instead won the award for best actor in all the most famous festivals in the world.

As an actor shot just over 85 films, and could cite the most famous "Wuthering Heights" 1939, "Henry V" in 1946, "Hamlet" 1948, "Richard III "in 1956. "The Prince and the Showgirl" 1957 where he managed to Marilyn Monroe, "Spartacus" in 1960, "Othello" in 1966, "The Shoes of the Fisherman" in 1968 with Anthony Quinn, "Nicholas and Alexandra" in 1971, "The track in 1972 with Michael Caine," Marathon Man "in 1976 with Dustin Hoffman and he plays a former Nazi murderer, "Jesus of Nazareth" in 1976, "The Boys from Brazil" in 1978 with Gregory Peck on the famous course project of Adolf Hitler to have offspring, "Dracula" in 1979 with the character he played Dracula haunts Frank Langella. But "Clash of the Titans" in 1981 fantasy film in which she plays Zeus, as well as "The Bounty" in 1986 along Mel Gibson.

He remained active in film for 59 years, and when he died, at 82 years old, on July 11, 1989 had ended "War Requiem", and years earlier he had worked on several series TV shows like "Lost Empires" Peter the Great, "" The Last Days of Pompeii "," With a talent for killing, "" Wagner ", among others.

Laurence Kerr Olivier your full name, was born on May 22, 1907 in Dorking, Surrey, England. His father was an Anglican priest but very fond of letters and the theater, and it was who encouraged him in the world of theater and Shakespeare, and was successfully performed as a teenager and his characters, even men, when only men participated. And that was with the play "The Taming of the Shrew, when he was 15 years old.

soon entered London 's Central School of Speech Training and Dramatic Arts, hence achieving a good academic background then allowed to enter the theater company Vncent Sir Barry Jackson and now for the second half of the 20 would be debuting in theaters in London.

in 1935 thanks to John Gielgud's production of "Romeo and Juliet" and the excellent performance of "Hamlet" by giving his character a psychological burden as a result of studying Freud, was when they reached star status from then achieved in his career.

In the film he was working since 1930 but his first performances were not very successful. And that was still working hard on stage, until he reached the success in the theater with "Romeo and Juliet" prompt success in film came when he worked in "Wuthering Heights" directed by William Wyler and where the couple had to Merle Oberon.

But as he reached the big screen success also came marital problems with his wife, actress Jill Esmond, whom he had married in 1930 and divorced in 1940 because he fell in love Laurence since he met the actress Vivien Leigh, famous for her role in "Gone With the Wind." And they were married that same year 1940 and have a happy relationship for 20 years.

But the story was repeated again, because in that year she divorced for the second time in 1960, he married British actress Joan Plowright, because he was in love with her after working together in the film "The Entertainer" tape which was nominated for an Oscar. And Joan stayed together until the day of his death.

When Laurence Olivier won an Oscar as best actor for "Hamlet" also the film won the Oscar as best film, beating no less than other famous and great movies like "Nest of Vipers" by Anatole Litvak and "The Treasure of the Sierra Madre" by John Huston.

was an actor much admired by British royalty, why was knighted in 1947 and in 1971 he was awarded the title of Lord. And he had also defended his country as a soldier during World War II.

theater in addition to the great successes achieved as an actor, then from 1961 to 1964 directed the Chichester Festival Theatre and the Old Vic in London, and for many years the National Theatre.

Laurence wrote his memoir, "Confessions of an actor" and that showed that the great love of his life was Vivien Leigh, as well as talk about her life and how acting quotes: What is at the bottom to act, but lying? And what is acting well, but convincing lying?.

Today we remember this great actor.

until Sunday. My email: