Monday, February 14, 2011

Namas During Menstruation

Ecovillage, solution to the impending disaster?

Some have already heard about them, some have no idea what it is, the ecovillage have been gaining strength in recent times as a kind of alternative life as part of solution to social problems and substance, an issue that has already occupied quite some time: the 2012 and the new world order. Some people still have hope in this new order, which in theory will bring peace and prosperity to all inhabitants of the earth. Who have been waking up to the events past, present and future, understand that there are ways to circumvent somehow the control that the new order entails, control over what they think, what we do, what we do and become useful puppets secular system which we have been warning. Ecovillage seem designed for it, because as its name implies, are settlements of people, groups of tired of this system of things and so much materialism and seek a certain how to live in a society that is aware of global problems ahead, is not running away, is initiating a new lifestyle starting from scratch, forming partnerships with new social and human values, although it must be remembered that no ecovillage are for the entire world, is only for those who truly want a big change, because there is left behind which are television, computer, car, etc. Although it must be vigilant and we've been seeing has been associated with the issue of eco-villages, the villages becoming new age in another system associated with the religious dogmas in the worship of pagan gods and to the nudity and exhibitionism. Ecovillages are places where people with a vision of life together to help each other live in freedom, building alternative systems of life where everything is shared (unless the wife or husband haha) and building models that integrate ecological nature is preserved , farming, and social models, as it is to grow together, creating a society with high moral values \u200b\u200bthat this loss is aiming the new world order. Apart from anything we could be looking at it as an option that also allows us to protect ourselves from events in the urban parts tend to be much more devastating and catastrophic for those who are tired of slavery that life in the system represents the new order is that good alternative that can not only change our lives but to be the anchor of a new company dedicated to strengthening relationships, human values, cooperatives, solidarity and spirituality why not, yes ... separating it from pagan cults, New Age and UFO. Here's a video I found about it and I leave a few links if you could provide for you to take the decision to go away to live away from the bustle, the materialism that surrounds us, taking a little longer to get to know ourselves and skills and share our views with others can also learn to take based on experiences of groups across the globe who are already seeing and experiencing the benefits of this lifestyle and could, why not be the basis in case they want to build their own settlements in their countries of origin and that migrate is not the solution.
Ecovillage Living in a
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