Sunday, April 24, 2011
Reference Letter For Service Hours
Company's Anniversary Speech
Friday, April 22, 2011
Ships In Scale Of 1:87
The difficult time that the enemy of Truth would have us go, helps and strengthens us. With such actions they will degrade and ennoble us. His bad business, the more books they kidnap the higher the interest aroused by these same groups, as more people locked up for reasons similar to mine, more curiosity aroused in these new heterodox society.
therefore lie, where is thy victory?
not matter massive and well organized as it is your propaganda. In the long run the truth eventually prevail.
Do you think holding the levers of power? What can you find a corrupt judge? What prosecutors have created the ideological and political effect? What do their agents infiltrated the media to manipulate public opinion? We live in an open society and in the end everything is known. Who are they? "By their deeds you shall know them," he warned the Savior.
Israeli Recently the governor of Connecticut, Joe Lieberman, announced the need to disconnect the Internet at the national level in the U.S., as has been done in China and recently in Egypt. Eye to the patch!, As the shots go that direction. And yet, what tyranny in history got the absolute impermeability of the dissident to the outside? Even the former USSR with its fierce repression system could bend to Solzhenitsyn. Now that drove them there the most brutal oppressors of the devices are implanted in the West a second edition of it.
What if not "muzzle law" that spread like oil Europe? What we would need a switch to disconnect the Internet with a simple gesture? For whom are recent built concentration camps in the U.S.? What other way but these measures would cut long-term civil liberties? Even the state's popular traditional Swiss defense, which requires all citizens of military age in the house holds its regulatory arms (which was never a problem for the Swiss) is hereby amended so that the locals can not defend the globalizing power.
what would be the repeated abductions of books in a country like Spain, there is an index of banned books? Why the interest in confining the editor that it endorses?
Tristes characters their flag they fight for progress, word certainly attractive but devoid of content because they are merely the executors of the plans of royal power. And, as always, they themselves will one day be ousted, the day we stop being puppets useful or wake up to the incongruity between what they say and what they do.
If you really want the truth, we are the same side and not shy away from the debate, but if they meet who are trying to neutralize conflicts, become evident.
They only kick against the pricks, think us as a crisis but, as you know, every crisis is an opportunity if you can take it. We have inadvertently led to our camp and they, not us, have sparked an interest that can become an opportunity and then ahead.
True, they have criticized harshly. Would there be otherwise? Do not forget that the right to self-defense is understanding general and unfairly cornered cat defending backs. But after criticism there is a positive intention if it is able to read between the lines. If the debate should be equitable, any party to detect the positive and try to share points of the same, because we must seek and find points in common, surely there.
But if only the owner what they want to destroy the front, will not go anywhere. We have not required or obligated, or never compel anyone to buy our books. Our doors are open, not just those who want to identify with we say but everyone in general.
How will this fight? If you have not guessed, I can forward
Confident springs, believe us forever annihilated but will not understand that this is not a business, a publishing or a sniper and his "madness" but a matter of principle.
accept that we can trample it would be suicidal for what is not spoiled, I say if there was any doubt.
books They can hijack, destroy and lock the editor, but that it is only a material and we start from a diametrically opposite view: that of the invincibility of the Spirit.
Thus, as stated by our classics: "The king's property and life has to give, but the honor is the heritage of the soul and the soul is only God ..." Sea!
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
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"we found there" "We found it for about two hours," "should have been here for days," said the fishermen who found the alien Russian. Knowing the restrictions that have this country as much as China in terms of control of information Censorship and other, no doubt that this is the preamble of another series of meeting visitors from "other planets" to be released slowly and more often than we imagine. It is clear that we are not alone, but they are the aliens so the new age have been led to believe the unwary? This finding was given after hundreds of villagers saw a large, bright object with flashing red and blue falling to earth in a strong impact on the ground in a wooded area. The event received wide coverage in Russia and the agency was reported by Russian news government. Why the Russian agency of government would allow information like that comes to light, generally if such facts are so secretive and classified, something like X files, material that brings out not as clear asÃ.Es and begins another phase of the new world order where the subject declassification UFO by world powers will be crucial for people to disbelieve. "Seeing is believing. As we saw earlier publication elsewhere, including Latin American nations have begun to declassify such information, which made public all the material possess world powers, certainly open curiosity and gullibility of people that we are not alone, "they" come in peace and a long list of things that are the precursors for finally establish the new religion and enforce the Luciferian agenda. Fake or real? judge for yourself
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The wedding of the century is as it's called the marriage of the prince and Kate Middleton Wlliam, who after a long courtship finally give the other before an altar of an Anglican church. For those who know about the Anglican, Catholic variant is somewhat more flexible as you will see the following link: interview about the new religion clarifies many aspects of the conspiracy before us a long time, the new world order his deceptions to accept it and including since appearances are virgins until an army of aliens that are part of the new religion that soon flooded the planet. Interestingly an extraterrestrial visit is announced for the wedding day of April 29th century, announced by the RAF, the royal armed forces, why will the presence of UFOs that day? why the wedding will take place that day round of dates purely satanic celebrations?, in the next video will understand why it is so important to the wedding of William and why wait until 2011 to get married, why not get married before? precisely why Kate and not another? how it relates William with the Illuminati and the Antichrist? sometimes reality is stranger than fiction
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No one of us who as children have not had a fairy tale like Cinderella, where a common girl ends up in the arms of a prince "blue" and both end happily ever after eating. The reality is that these stories have their background based on real life, only that the prince is that color because their DNA is other than rest, sometimes we underestimate the elite who for years has control humanity. In this case we speak of DNA, bloodlines, genetics, a topic that occupies much of the work of illuminati, and that their offspring are especially cared for, protected, after being taken to their evil plans. Kate Middleton is no exception and the princess of your dreams today with millions of women would be identified, a plain little girl like us and a prince falls in love with her, what goes uff! "Good luck"!, In the next video we showed that the future Queen of England is not a commoner, reptilian blood also runs through his veins