Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Gabriella Hall On Line

The European Parliament denounced the HAARP IN 1999



January 14, 1999 PE 227.710/def. A4-0005/99

REPORT on the environment, security and foreign policy

Draftsman: Mr Olsson, Committee on Environment, Public Health and Consumer
(Hughes procedure)

Committee on Foreign Affairs, Security and Defence Policy
Speaker: Maj Britt Theorin

In the draft resolution, Section T, says

whereas, despite the existing conventions, the research in the military sector continues to rely on environmental manipulation as a weapon, puts as, for example, demonstrated the HAARP system in Alaska based ...

Somewhat later, in LEGAL point of military activity (items 27 to 30) is reads:

27. Believes that the HAARP (Research Program for High Frequency Active Auroral) is a global concern because of its profound impact on the environment and requires legal, ecological and ethical issues are investigated by an independent international body before continuing research and testing , regrets that the United States Government has repeatedly refused to send a representative to give evidence, before the public hearing or any subsequent meeting hold its committee, on environmental risks and the population Research Program for High Frequency Active Auroral (HAARP) which is currently funding in Alaska;

28. Ask the group to evaluate the scientific and technological options (STOA) agree to consider the scientific evidence and techniques available in all the conclusions of the investigations being carried out today on the HAARP program , in order to assess the exact nature and degree of risk of this program for the environment local and global, as well as health general public;

29. Calls on the Commission, in cooperation with Governments of Sweden, Finland, Norway and the Russian Federation , examine the environmental and public health HAARP program for the Antarctic and to report on its findings;

30. Calls, in particular, to hold an international convention global ban on all research and development , whether military or civilian, have as seeks to apply knowledge of chemistry, electrical, sound vibration or other human brain function the development of weapons which might enable any form of manipulation humans , including the prohibition of any actual or possible deployment of such systems.

In the Explanatory Memorandum, paragraph CALLED NON LETHAL WEAPONS, we read:

technologies have been developed from material and against people. An example is acoustic weapons that, by producing a low-level noise can confuse and mislead, and thus neutralize the enemy. Other examples include adhesive foam and blinding laser . The chemicals that discolor the water can affect both agriculture and population. By electromagnetic rays can destroy information systems, navigation and communication of the enemy. -called love can also be used non-lethal attacks on infrastructure and the authorities of a State can destroy the railway system or cause chaos in the country's financial sector . The common feature of these weapons is aimed to delay, obstruct and defeat a potential enemy to "strategic level."

... The so-called nonlethal weapons would be implemented in the early stages of a conflict and may themselves be the cause of conflict ...

... For example, U.S. RF weapons used in Gulf War to destroy Iraq's energy system, although they did not know the effects of anti-personnel weapons radio ...

If we continue reading the document found what follows:


The February 5, 1998 the Subcommittee on Security and Disarmament of the European Parliament held a hearing on , among other things, the HAARP . Representatives were invited the NATO and U.S. . but declined.

The Committee regrets the U.S. not send a representative to answer questions or take the opportunity to comment on the material presented.

The HAARP (Research Program for High Frequency Active Auroral) is a project carried out jointly Air Force and Navy of the United States , with the Geophysical Institute of the University Alaska, Fairbanks . Similar experiments are being made in Norway, probably in the Antarctic and in the former Soviet Union.

The HAARP is a research project that uses ground facilities and a network of antennas, each equipped with its own transmitter, to warm parts of the ionosphere with powerful radio waves . The energy generated heats parts of the ionosphere, which produces holes in the ionosphere and artificial 'lenses' .

The HAARP can be used for many purposes. By manipulating the electrical properties of the ionosphere can be controlled a lot of energy. If used as a military weapon , this energy can have a devastating impact on the enemy. HAARP can send millions more energy than any conventional transmitter. Energy can also be directed at a moving target, which could be a potential anti-missile system.

The project also allows better communication with submarines and manipulation of global weather . Now, you can also do the opposite and disrupt communications. By manipulating the ionosphere can block global communications while transmitting its own. Another application is the penetration of the earth (CT) X-ray at a depth of several kilometers to detect oil and gas fields or underground military installations. Another application is on the horizon radar, and targeting over long distances. In this way, we can detect the approach of objects beyond the horizon.

From the fifties U.S. material have made nuclear explosions in the Van Allen belts to investigate the effect of nuclear explosions at that point on radio communications and radar operation due to electromagnetic pulse that follows an explosion. These explosions created new magnetic radiation belts around the planet covered almost . The electrons moved in magnetic lines and created an artificial aurora borealis over the North Pole . With these military trials run the risk of seriously destroy the Van Allen belt long. The Earth's magnetic field can be destroyed over large areas and prevent radio communications. According to American scientists. It may take many years before the Van Allen belt to stabilize again.

The HAARP project may result in changes of the climatic situation . It can influence the ecosystem, especially in the sensitive region of the Antarctic.

Another serious consequence of HAARP are holes in the ionosphere caused by powerful radio waves. The ionosphere protects us from cosmic radiation. Holes are expected to be close again, but experience with the ozone layer to believe otherwise. This means that there are significant holes in the ionosphere that protects us.

Because of its profound effects on the environment, HAARP is a global concern and must be questioned whether the advantages of this system actually outweigh the risks. We must investigate the ecological and ethical before proceeding with research and testing . HAARP is a project almost unknown and it is important that the public knows what it is.

The HAARP is linked to 50 years of research space intensive military dial, including the proposed "Star Wars" to control the upper atmosphere and communications . Such projects should be considered as a serious threat to the environment, with a incalculable impact on human life . Even now, nobody knows the impact it can have the HAARP project.

We must fight against secrecy in military research . We must promote transparency and democratic access the military research projects and parliamentary control of them.

A series of international laws (the Convention on the Prohibition of the use of military or any hostile use of techniques to change the environment, the Antarctic Treaty, the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, Including the Moon and other celestial bodies, and the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea) call into question not only the political and humanitarian grounds but also HAARP legal basis . The Antarctic Treaty provides that the Antarctic should be used exclusively for peaceful purposes. This means that HAARP violates international law . The full implications of new weapons systems should be investigated by independent international bodies. Should also develop new international agreements to protect the environment from unnecessary destruction in wartime.

In section of the paper on the Conclusions, 11 and 12 points, comprises the following:

11. Believes that the U.S. system handling military ionosphere, HAARP, based in Alaska which is only part of development and deployment of electromagnetic weapons for external and internal security, is an example of the threat emerging military worst environmental and human health , since its purpose is to manipulate military purposes this section of the biosphere high energy sensitivity, without knowing all its consequences, and asks the Commission , the Council and Member States to press the U.S. government, Russia and other participating States to put an end to these activities and hold a global convention banning such weapons;

12. Calls, in particular, that an international convention for global ban on all research and development, whether military or civilian, which seeks to apply knowledge of chemistry, electrical, sound vibration or other human brain function the development of weapons which might enable any form of manipulation humans, including the prohibition of any actual or possible deployment of such systems.



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