Sunday, May 1, 2011

Everyone In The Nfl Wore Jockstraps

a solution: Arming ourselves to the teeth

laws prohibiting possession of weapons have proven their utter failure to curb crime, and encouraged the criminals to win the streets and decent citizens to take by assault. The only solution is re-defense and to take the law into our hands where it should never come out.

What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people maintains the spirit of resistance? Let him take up arms. Thomas Jefferson, 1787.

totalitarian states can do great things, but one thing can not do: it can give the factory worker a rifle and tell to drive you home and have in his bedroom. That rifle hanging on the wall of the working class or peasant's hut is the symbol of democracy. It is our duty to hold in place. " George Orwell, 1941

is criminal to teach a man not to defend themselves when being constant victim of brutal attacks. You have a legal and legitimate shotgun or rifle. We believe in obeying the law. Malcolm X, American Civil Rights Activist.

The increase in violent assaults on the homes of the population is not the exclusive preserve of Argentina, and is not restricted to countries where the population has easy access to fist housewives, hunting or collection. By contrast, in countries where law-abiding people have guns in their homes, the incidence of violent crime with guns is lower and home robberies are rare. This report is intended to show-and-get the laws prohibiting and restricting access to weapons to the population have failed to control or reduce violent crime in all countries where they have been imposed.



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