Monday, December 7, 2009

Akiba Watch Episode 1


Today is regional meeting in Copenhagen in which countries around the world, will discuss future policies against global warming . I

limit, which in my case, I support all measures that we deliver a healthier life and better connected to the environment, however, as a way to have an amplitude of mind and something to help the discussion this subject, here is a documentary that is giving much talk of the web. The

documentary called "The Great Global Warming Swindle", that can be treated as anti-An Inconvenient Truth by Al Gore, which inter alia states as "lies" that global warming is caused, first CO2 emissions and second, that the head of this contamination is the man. That is, support the idea that climate change is a natural effect of our planet and if there is a responsibility in this is our star, the Sun and not man.

This documentary was broadcast by Channel 4 in Britain in 2007, and he gives his testimony important figures in science, science journalism and former members of the environmental movement, who argue that qualify as a big fraud.

As I said, I support all global policy related to the environment, however, I think it's always good to have both versions of the same story to enrich the debate and, above all, our decision.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Big Boobs Big Earrings

de la civilización Hopenhagen

This December 7, leaders from 192 countries will gather in Copenhagen to determine the fate of our planet for climate change.

Therefore, the group has been created , a place where you are collecting signatures from around the world to support among other things, the petition seeking to take action, both political and economic, to save our planet and the world's poorest societies, of the likely climate change disasters.

To support this proposal would have to go to the website Hope nPlease .

Monday, November 9, 2009

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About the 2012 movie , the English program Cuarto Milenio by journalist Iker Jiménez, introduced the special report on the Maya prophecy related to this date that many believe could be a major change on our planet.

the 2012 movie Trailer (see data on the film )

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

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Más allá del 2012

undoubtedly the subject of prophecies related with 2012 , are increasingly causing more interest among our visitors. Thus we begin to give some extracts from a program, whether radio or television, which will help us understand the various theories, interpretations or explanations related to this already legendary date.

In this first installment, we leave this interesting excerpt from the English radio program The Last Step in the driver interview Joaquin Abenza Peruvian writer Ricardo González , author of "After 2012" , and to express its view on the Mayan prophecies and others related to this date.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

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Is for alarm? The news that an asteroid exploded in the atmosphere of Indonesia with a capacity of three atomic bombs that exploded in Hiroshima and that despite this danger has not been detected by any terrestrial telescope, should be cause for alarm or not.

ask this because I think the press is taking too lightly the event. That is, a meteorite that three times might cause the destruction of Hiroshima and nobody entered the world detected it is not this a concern?

not trying to be alarmist, but perhaps not a little concern. That is, we are ready or not for an event of this nature. Please note: the asteroid exploded on October 8 and has just been confirmed by NASA on October 27. And I repeat, was three times more powerful than the Hiroshima atomic bomb. Luckily, burst into the atmosphere and not on land or at sea.

admit I do not know everything about asteroids, telescopes and kilotons, so leave the question open for connoisseurs who may believe that you are exaggerating and the unfamiliar, as one who believes you have to be alert.

repeat the question what an asteroid have entered Earth's atmosphere can have a power of three atomic bombs and has not been detected by any telescope, is cause for alarm?

Monday, October 26, 2009

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Calentamiento Global: Cuando lo sientas ya será tarde

Advertise on global warming .

Friday, October 16, 2009

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ONU condena a Israel y Hamás por crímenes de guerra en Gaza

The Human Rights Council adopted the report blames Israel and the Islamist movement Hamas for having committed war crimes during confrontation which was conducted between last December and January in the Gaza Strip and had a balance of 1,387 Palestinians and 13 Israelis dead.

The report, submitted by Justice Richard Goldstone the Security Council United Nations , had 25 votes, among which include the countries of China and Russia, 6 against, including the United States, 11 abstentions, mostly from Europe and Africa, and four countries including France and England is, refused to vote.

Israel rejects report

Given this, the government of Israel totally rejected the charges and noted the report that the voting in the Council "undermines global peace" and "encourages terrorist organizations around the world."

The resolution proposes that the parties to the conflict to demonstrate Security Council within six months credible internal investigations into alleged abuses. Otherwise, the case could be referred to prosecutors International Court of Justice in The Hague .

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A fin de año habrá 1,020 millones de hambrientos en el mundo, según ONU

Global Food Crisis. The Organization of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the Program World Food Programme (WFP) have published a report warning that the number of hungry people in the world will reach the end of this year of 1.020 million.

According to the FAO in just one year, the number affected increased from 963 to 1.020, representing an increase of 9%, most of them women and children.

The director general of the agency, Jacques Diouf , described the situation as "intolerable" and said that although the world now has the technical and economic capacity to solve this problem that remains is a "political will" to eradication.

"World leaders reacted forcefully to the economic and financial crisis and were able to mobilize billions of dollars in a very short period of time [...] The same vigorous action is necessary to combat hunger and poverty," claimed Diouf .

As for the distribution of hunger, the figures are as follows: In Asia Pacific there are 642 million people suffer from this problem in sub-Saharan Africa 265 million in Latin America and the Caribbean 53 million in the Middle East and North Africa 42 million in developed countries 15 million people.

Monday, October 12, 2009

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Clinton señala que Nobel de la Paz no influirá en Obama sobre tema Afganistán

Secretary of State of the United States, Hillary Clinton , said the Nobel Prize for Peace given the president Barack Obama not affect the president's decision on sending more troops or not to Afghanistan.

Clinton, said that while the importance of the prize as a way to restore the image of the U.S., denied that he intends to exercise some pressure on Obama when deciding on the future of military strategy in Afghanistan .

"It will not influence any of the difficult decisions has to make, "said U.S. Secretary of State.

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Corea del Norte lanza cinco misiles de corto alcance

continues with evidence. After three months for, North Korea on Monday re-launched five short-range missiles from Musudan-ri in North Hamgyeong Province, located on its east coast, reported South Korean news agency Yonhap.

This release is made after Pyongyang undertook to return to the negotiating table over its nuclear program .

Friday, October 9, 2009

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Barack Obama obtiene Premio Nobel de la Paz

surprise. The Norwegian Nobel Committee decided to award the Nobel Peace the president of the United States, Barack Obama , because of their "extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation among peoples, specifically, for his vision and work for "a world without nuclear weapons."

The ruling noted that "over 108 years the Norwegian Nobel Committee has sought to stimulate precisely that international politics and those attitudes that Obama is the new global spokesman."

Barack Obama becomes and the third president in U.S. activity to win the award after Theodore Roosevelt (1906) and Woodrow Wilson (1919).

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

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A report by British newspaper The Independent , the Persian Gulf oil states well as Russia, China, Japan and France, would be in talks secertas to replace the dollar as oil transaction currency.

Instead they would be thinking of the Japanese yen, Chinese yuan, the euro, gold and created a common currency by the countries of the Cooperation Council Gulf , comprising Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait, among others.

I refuse

However, after the publication of the report, officials from these countries were quick to deny this fact.

President of the Central Bank of Saudi Arabia, Muhammad al-Jasser, described as "absolutely incorrect" information of the average British, while the government of Japan, said he was unaware of any negotiations to end the use of dollar.

On the other hand, the Russian deputy finance minister Dmitry Pankin, told the Russian news agency Novosti, which your country is not part of the talks.

A former proposal

However, this would not be a new proposal in previous years and countries like Brazil, Iran and China called for the dollar is no longer the currency of this important world market.

Moreover, with respect to China, in March the Central Bank suggested that the U.S. currency should be replaced by a new currency of global reach that would be handled by the International Monetary Fund.

Precisely, the chairman of this institution, Robert Zoellick recently warned in a ceremony held in Istanbul that dollar would not be in the future the dominant currency and would have to join the euro and the yuan renminbi, to form a "currency basket", which inevitably would create a different world.

The newspaper The Independent notes that the change in U.S. currency for other currencies could be done in a period of nine years.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Seafarers And Cities And Knights

"a possibility or a utopia? Iran recognizes

About the latest resolution of the Security Council UN asking the world's nations to work for a world without atomic bombs , it is worth wondering whether is that nuclear disarmament can be a reality next or perhaps a mere utopia.

According to an article published in the newspaper El Comercio , there are currently about 24,000 nuclear weapons in the world, most of them obviously held by the United States and Russia, of this total , 2.000 would be ready to be operated at any time, but as you know, enough only a small percentage of these weapons to destroy the entire planet.

In summary, the ranking of countries that possess nuclear warheads is as follows:

1 - United States 7.900.
2 - 4.138 Russia.
3 - China 400.
4 - France 300.
5 - United Kingdom 200.
6 - Israel 100 to 200.
7 - Pakistan 60.
8 - India from 50 to 60.

Notably, of these countries Pakistan, India and Israel, not part of the 189 countries that have signed the Treaty Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) of the UN.

should also include the countries that allegedly in the process of nuclear weapons Iran, North Korea and Syria . Of these only Syria is in the NPT , North Korea signed the pact but, revoked his signature on the 2003 and Iran since 2004, is suspected by some powers like the U.S. and Japan, to carry a secret nuclear weapons program.

Given these data, the question of concern to analysts and experts is whether the future can stop this proliferation of nuclear weapons or, conversely, decrease with treaties, sanctions and other international mechanisms.

For some, the answer is in the military sought from countries like Iran, North Korea and Syria, while others say the ball is in the power range as the United States and Russia, which should set an example and start a bilateral reduction of nuclear weapons. Anyway

in May 2010 will be held the Conference NPT Review , and there we have perhaps a closer response to the question posed at the beginning of the article: nuclear disarmament is an achievable goal or a simple utopia ? We have to wait next year to find out.

Here I give you the complete list of members the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) UN :


Afghanistan Albania Andorra

Angola Antigua and Barbuda

Saudi Arabia Algeria Argentina

Armenia Australia Austria

Azerbaijan Bahamas

Bahrain Bangladesh

Barbados Belgium Belize

Belarus Benin Bolivia

Bosnia-Herzegovina Botswana

Brazil Brunei Bulgaria

Burkina Faso Burundi

Bhutan Cape Verde Cambodia

Cameroon Canada

Ciudad del Vaticano

Chad Chile China

Cyprus Colombia Comoros

South Korea Ivory Coast Costa Rica

Croatia Cuba Denmark


Ecuador Egypt El Salvador

United Arab Emirates Eritrea Slovakia

Slovenia Spain

Federated States of Micronesia United States

Estonia Ethiopia

Fiji Philippines Finland

France Gabon Gambia

Georgia Ghana Greece

Grenada Guatemala Guyana

Guinea Guinea-Bissau Equatorial Guinea

Honduras Hungary

Indonesia Iran Iraq

Marshall Islands Solomon Islands

Iceland Italy Jamaica

Japón Jordan Kazakhstan


Kiribati Kuwait Kyrgyzstan

Laos Latvia Lesotho

Lebanon Liberia Libya

Liechtenstein Lithuania

Luxembourg Madagascar Malawi

Malaysia Maldives Mali

Malta Mauritania Morocco

Mexico Moldova Monaco

Mozambique Myanmar

Namibia Nauru

Nepal Nicaragua Niger

Nigeria Norway Oman
New Zealand

Countries Bajo
Palau Panama

Papua New Guinea Paraguay

Peru Poland Portugal

Central African Republic
Czech Republic
Republic of Macedonia
Republic of Congo
Democratic Republic of Congo
Dominican Republic
San Cristóbal and Nieves
San Marino
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Santa Luzia
Sao Tome and Principe Senegal

Serbia and Montenegro Seychelles

Sierra Leone Singapore

Syria Somalia Sri Lanka


Sudan Sweden Switzerland

Suriname Swaziland

Thailand Tanzania Tajikistan

East Timor

Togo Tonga Trinidad and Tobago

Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan

Tuvalu Uganda Ukraine

Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu

Venezuela Vietnam Yemen

Djibouti Zambia Zimbabwe

Friday, September 25, 2009

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second uranium enrichment plant

The government Iran revealed in a letter to International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) the existence of a second uranium enrichment plant in the region of Qom, south of Tehran. According

Iran, the plant, which is still under construction, could uranium enriched to 5%, insufficient to feed atomic warheads.

Friday, September 18, 2009

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Ahmadinejad calls Holocaust a "lie" Russia satisfied with resignation

The Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad , said Holocaust was a "lie" and a pretext to create the state of Israel .

"The pretext (the Holocaust) for the creation of the Zionist regime (Israel) is false (...) is a lie based on a mythical and improbable claim," he said in a speech at Tehran University.

deal also noted that Israel is "a national and religious duty."

Thursday, September 17, 2009

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U.S. a missile shield

Russia welcomed the decision of the President of the United States, Barack Obama , not to build the missile shield in Central Europe , proposed earlier by the former president, George W. Bush. This decision

U.S. try to improve relations with Russia hit at the beginning of this project as a threat to their safety.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

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Russell Crowe, a multifaceted actor Clint Eastwood

+ rose to fame with "Gladiator," which won the Oscar for best actor
+ is released in "Quick and the Dead", his first hit "LA Confidential"
+ Become the favorite actor Ridley Scott takes on wages of 20 MDD


Russell Crowe is an actor despite his relatively short career in film-with only 38 interventions in movies and TV series from 1972 to 2009 - especially in Hollywood, has become a widely recognized player in the world thanks to its successful role in "Gladiator" won her Oscar win as best actor, but was also polynomial for "The Informant" and "A Beautiful Mind."

Ira Russell Crowe, his real name, was born in Wellington, New Zealand, on April 7, 1964. Australians is New Zealand origin, but also has Welsh ancestry, Norwegian and Maori. He married Danielle Spencer in 2003 and remains his wife.

When Russell was only four years old, his family moved to Australia, because their parents sought to establish a retail business catering for film shoots. Russell went to Sydney Boys High School, but did not finish school because at 14 years old, his family returned to New Zealand where he completed his secondary education not because they went to work to help with family expenses.

After participating in film and television in his country, then the 90 he began working in Hollywood, but it was not until 1995 when it released a little more with the western "Fast and deadly "next to Sharon Stone, Gene Hackman and Leonardo DiCaprio, but the tape does not result in good quality. But achieved great success working in "LA Confidential" on corruption by their fellow officers and that put research and discoveries. The film earned him winning the Oscar as best supporting actress Kim Basinger, as well as for best adapted screenplay, but also received 9 nominations more. Moreover, it was a blockbuster film, making more than $ 64 million in its premiere run in the United States.

But two years later, in 1999 he placed another opportunity would be a good character actor, with the film "The Informant" (The Insider), based on real events, in which a famous conductor of a television program , who plays Al Pacino, announces that the Brown & Williamson, he applied substances to cigarettes to addict smokers, and that complaint is achieved by the informant, played by Russell Crowe, is a former biochemist from this tobacco, which held that that fact had to be terminated. And that at that time became the largest fine that has been applied to a tobacco company. For his role in this film received an Oscar nomination.

But then in 2000 worked on "Gladiator," directed by Ridley Scott (Alien, Blade Runner, GI Jane, Hannibal) and alongside great stars like Joaquin Phoenix, Connie Nielsen, Richard Harris, and this Russell represented him up to the heights of fame, because they finally won the Oscar for best actor, but also Oscar the film won 4 more, including best picture, and receive 7 nominations more. But the amazing thing about all this is that when preparing the tape many predicted a complete failure because it believed that it was said and seen everything about Roman gladiator epic adventures. However, the best of the tape was the emotional charge that led to the intense battles and the main characters of the warriors. Even this movie was revived for the benefit of producers other gender, as "Troy," "Alexander", "300", "The kingdom of heaven" which he also directed the same Scott, among many other films that have been yes they are leaving profits. In addition

"Gladiator" was nominated in 38 different events, with a total of 119 nominations of which won 28 awards.

And success would follow him, because a year later worked on "A Beautiful Mind" directed by Ron Howard using a true story about a mathematical genius who suffers from schizophrenia, that beats through treatment physician who is subject to the support of his wife (Jennifer Connelly) but also for his strength of will, and end up receiving the Nobel Prize in 1994. In the film highlights the performances of Russell Crowe as Jennifer Connelly which until then was a very beautiful face but now showed that also has great qualities for difficult roles, but worth the interpretation of Ed Harris and Paul Bettany.

The film won 4 Oscars, including best supporting actress for Connelly, as well as for his screenplay, best picture, best director, plus four other nominations between them for Russell Crowe, in addition to assembly, music and makeup .

Another of his recent successes is "3.10 to Yuma" is a remake of a film with the same name that was filmed in 1957. This new version was released in 2007 and involved Christian star Bale (Batman) and Russell Crowe, is a good western that received two Oscar nominations.

But in 2007 he premiered "American Gangster" directed by Ridley Scott in which Denzell Washington interpretea a major trafficker of heroin during the Vietnam War and Russell Crowe plays a Detective who tries to overthrow the rule of such a trafficker .

Russell Crowe had an affair with actress Meg Ryan when they met during filming of "Proof of Life", but that was all, although this meant that she had to divorce from Dennis Quaid. On April 7, 2003, on the very day of his 39th birthday, she married singer / actress Danielle Spencer and in December 2003 saw his promogénito Charles, and the July 7th, 2006 birth of her second son, Tennyson Spencer.

Among his female conquests include actresses Peta Wilson (Nikita famous for the series) and Meg Ryan, with whom concurred in "Proof of Life." This sounded romance lead actress' divorce with Dennis Quaid.

But Russell Crowe is also a singer and songwriter. Vocalist and guitarist for Australian rock band already separated, "30 Odd Foot Grunts O" which was formed in 1992. The group was unsuccessful, but released three albums. However, Russell continues his musical career, collaborating with Alan Doyle of Great Canadian band Big Sea, since early 2005, published in April 2005 the single "Raewyn". Also released an album on iTunes, entitled "My Hand, My Heart" which includes a tribute song to the late actor Richard Harris who became a close friend during the filming of Gladiator.

Now Russell Crowe is working on a new version of Robin Wood and that will be paid a salary of $ 20 million and address will be headed by Ridley Scott. This film is expected to be released until 2010.

And it seems the actor is becoming the darling of Ridley Scott, because in 2008 filmed in Morocco "Body of Lies" with Leonardo DiCaprio and Russell Crowe, directed by Ridley, but also wants to Russell for a film about the history of the members of the Gucci dynasty, the famous Italian company dedicated to design and manufacture of fashion.

On the other hand, the actor is famous for her bad temper with reporters, but also generally has a bad character because on one occasion he threw a telephone at a hotel concierge, just because they could not reach where I wanted. Accepted his guilt and gave him a reduced sentence. Was also true when he attacked a photographer.

's upcoming projects you have for 2009 and the next two years are "The long shore", "Bra boys "," Dirt Music "and" Dolce's Inferno ".

until Sunday. My email: HMEF @.


Saturday, May 30, 2009

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great filmmaker

+ With "Gran Torino" his latest work, leave a great legacy of great films
+ Director, actor, producer, musician of quality over the past 49 years
+ Clint has won 4 Oscars, but his films have been more than a dozen


If, as rumored, "Gran Torino" and "human factor"-that not yet, will premiere his latest work as director, then we should thank him now in life, Clint Eastwood the greatness of his work as director, actor, producer and author of the soundtrack of several films, because its more than 54 year career represents a legacy worthy of imitation for new filmmakers and actors, but also for moviegoers represent great classic films of various genres that can still be seen with pleasure, decades later.

His real name is Clint Eastwood Jr., born in San Francisco, California on 31st May 1930, currently serving as 79 years of age. He has worked as an actor in 64 films and are to leave the 2 newer ones. He has directed 33 and produced 30 and was also the author of the soudtrack of 21 films and composer of 5 tracks. From 1955 to date has won 4 Oscars, but has also gained an additional 101 international awards and nominations received 64 nominations.

Although born in San Francisco, California and raised in Oakland, actually lived in several cities with their parents because Clinton Eastwood Sr. and Margaret Ruth Runner went from city to city in search of work during the Great Depression, so Clint was a lumberjack, bricklayer, pianist, forest firefighter, clean pools, worker metal and many other trades.

he fulfilled his military service as a swimming instructor at Fort Ord and the savings made, could be paid some drama classes at Los Angeles College, because it was heavily influenced by friends of Camp David Janssen - who later became famous as an actor in the series "The Fugitive" and Martin Milner-famous after the series The Life of Ritley-and thanks to the two won its first contract at Universal he was paid $ 76 but with safe working week 40 weeks.

At 23 years old in 1953, he married Maggie Johnson, which would be the mother of his children Kyle and Alison, and a year later debuted its first film "Revenge of the Creature" and came while other performances in film, also managed to work in the television series "Rawhide" favored by its size and its physical handsome highlighting all media.

And success came quickly, because after his sixth film, he worked in 1960 in "A Fistful of Dollars" a "spaghetti western" directed by Italian Sergio Leone, who despite criticism the film was box office on different continents. And the film was shot in record time because there was no money for anything and say that Clint had to buy their own clothes, including the Mexican poncho is put on the shoulder and it left in the other films in which he also worked for Leone, in addition to the beard and the cigar-inseparable, and that would be "For a Few Dollars More", "The Good , the bad and the ugly, "perhaps the most famous trilogy on the American continent that became a trilogy that left a lot of money, as only Clint were over 270 thousand dollars, a rarity at that time .

But also, this trilogy marked the cowboy film, as well as from that date became known that "straight face" of Clint as part of its hardness and lack of piety, which is still imitated today not only in cowboy movies, but also other genres.

already the fame of the trilogy and the ditty of the song "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, Clint was in Mexico filming in 1970 in the western Durango" Two Mules for Sister Sara, "directed by Don Siegel Shirley McLaine and many Mexicans as Armando Silvestre, Manuel Fábregas, Pancho Córdova, Ada Carrasco, Enrique Lucero, but the tape was very successful nu.

But the following year another success will emerge with the Clint Eastwood thriller "Play Misty for me" with his debut as a film director. And as was his directorial debut, expected shortly him, but surprised, because it was an interesting intrigue thanks to the interpretation of Jessica Walter stressing and disturbing for its threats and provocations. The film was shot in the city of Caramel, his hometown and the mayor would be the mid-eighties. But history of the speaker threatened by a listener, it also has a good selection of songs that appear in the background.

And last but not least, his next film was a hit, and another myth born film by Clint Eastwood. Third, because first highlighted in the western and merciless gunman in the trilogy of Sergio Leone, then in the thriller as an announcer, and now as "Dirty Harry" was a classic male, a gunman just dirt in the film called by that name and directed by Don Siegel, a character who was police several genre films.

And just 7 years after its debut, which some predicted would be a failure for those who believed "very face" but nothing was as an actor, but by then was showing it was a good actor, but much better director of various genres including .

But also under the direction of Don Siegel not only led him to fame as Detective Harry Callahan and some western, it was also a blockbuster "Escape from Alcatraz" in 1979.

Clint then did not do very well with their addresses in "Bronco Billy" and "Firefox" but in 1992 half the world marveled to become a blockbuster "Unforgiven" (Unforgiven) but when he was filming the critics around the world against him because they considered that people no longer interested in the topic of the western as well as the themes of war, and it was all said and shown on the big screen, but it was the opposite.

The film won 4 Oscars and 5 more Oscar nominations, but was critically acclaimed, award-winning and nominated in more than a dozen of the most renowned film festivals in the world. In the film, incidentally, has the role Frances Fisher star female and then it was Clint Eastwood couple and had a daughter Francesca Fisher-Eastwood. Clint Eastwood

had a wife from 1953 to 1978 to Maggie Johnson, but after 35 years of marriage thunder when Sondra Locke Clint met during the filming of "Gauntlet." Almost at the same time enters into politics as mayor of the Republican Party in the city of Caramel, but a year after stepping down because he wants to shoot more and also formed Malpaso Protuctions producers. Sondra breaks in 1989 after meeting Frances Fisher (Unforgiven, Titanic) with which they have a daughter and seven years later, in 1996 he married the Latino journalist Dina Ruiz, with whom he is still attached. Clint has had 7 children: Kimber was born in June 1964 and is the son of Roxanne tunnis, Kyle was born in 1968, Alison was born in 1972 and are of Maggie Johnson, Kathryn Eastwood asdemás born in 1988 and is Jacelyn Reeves, Heather Eastwood also born in 1988, Francesca Fisher-Eastwood also was born in 1993 and Frances Fisher and Morgan was born in 1996 and Diana Ruiz.

say that the nineties was the best time director with "Bird", "Hunted white, black heart," "A Perfect World," "The Bridges of Madison", "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil" where Clint goes to his own daughter and "Unforgiven."

As early as 2003, Clint returns to drama "Mystic River" with Sean Penn and did very well because candiaturas won six Oscar including Best Picture and Best Director, winning the best actor and best supporting actor.

And in 2004 his new direction, "Million Dollar Baby" with Hilary Swank and Morgan Freman won 4 Oscars including Best Director and 3 nominciones more.
Then in 2006 directed two films, "Flags of Our Fathers," based on the novel written by one of the children survivors of the battle and "Letters From Iwo Jima" which recounts the experiences of the battle from the American point of view but also from the Japanese point of view, but caused very serious controversy that eventually influenced probably do not give how the Golden Globe best director, although he was nominated, and instead won the award in the category of best foreign language film.

Clint also composed jazz records, owns several sports companies and hostels, including a luxury resort in Monterey County and has always sought to offer an image of a man who is always ready physically.
best addressed lately, "Gran Torino, Clint returns to its beginning and takes the character to characterize left on the screen because it considered that affected its image, the police thug "Dirty Harry", but now the police in old age unfolds within a critical framework to political intolerance, racism, gender abuse, but turned into another of his masterpieces Clint, managing to leave the audience shocked, especially by the end that has the tape.

until Sunday. My email:


Saturday, May 16, 2009

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an invincible ranger Chuck Norris and Jack Nicholson

+ rose to fame fighting Bruce Lee, and losing, Enter the Dragon "
+ "Walker, Texas Ranger" was his first great success; "Delta Force", his other hit was
+ martial arts champion and veteran of the Year "U.S. Air Force


Chuck Norris is well known in the world for its martial arts, but also for his role as Ranger-ranger "in the television series" Walker, Texas Ranger "and the action movie" Delta Force "but achieved greater fame when he appeared fighting Bruce Lee in the film "Operation Dragon," where Chuck lost the match, but won fame.

But it is worth noting that his fame was achieved with a very long career in time and a few interventions in movies and on television, because for 39-year career intervened only 37 times in film and television.

was also famous for being the classic hero who never hurt much less killed, or who never runs out of ammunition for his pistol or rifle, and never fails to shock or fire.

His most recent contribution was in the movie "The cutter" a thriller with drama and action, filmed in 2005, but also in that year was the executive producer a TV movie based on the series ran from 1993 to 2001, "Walker, Texas Ranger. Trial by fire ", and in 2003 worked in the horror film" Bells of Innocence. "

Carlos Ray Norris Jr., her real name, was born on March 10, 1940, in Oklahoma, U.S. kickboxing champion, founder of an association of karate, but also received the "Veteran of the Year" for air forces of the United States in 2001. As a martial arts instructor, instructed many celebrities such as Steve McQueen and the lovely Priscilla Presley. He also founded an institution to help people with addiction problems to drugs and to combat violence in schools.

On the screen was and still is very famous for its revolving flying kick, and other explosive.

began martial arts in South Korea, where he was stationed in the Air Force of the United States in the fifties, and he liked the specialty Tang Soo Do, Taekwondo and Hapkido, but when he returned United States practiced other styles such as Jiu Jitsu Machado, from Brazil based on actual battles, mainly in stocks of soil.

But it also created his own martial art which he called Chun Kuk Do, based on Tang Soo Do with elements of all martial arttes he knows, as he himself said, and has its own code of honor and rules of life, which are:
1. Develop my full potential prospects as possible in all my life.
2. Forget past mistakes and concentrate on the great triumphs of the present.
3. I always keep a positive thought and try to convey this to everyone you know.
4. Continually try to develop the love, joy and loyalty in my family, and realize that no other success can compensate for failure at home.
5. Seek the best of all people and make them feel worthwhile.
6. If I have nothing good to say about a person, not saying anything.
7. Give much time to better myself I will not have time to criticize others.
8. I will always be so enthusiastic about the achievements of others as my own.
9. Keep an attitude of tolerance towards people who have a different view from mine, while I still stand firm on what I personally believe true and honest.
10. Will maintain respect for the authorities and I will show all the time.
11. I will remain forever loyal to God, my country, my family and friends.
12. I keep always highly oriented throughout my life with a positive attitude to help my family, my country and myself.

But those action films and television series about the Texas Ranger who was a true hero for other honest, now no longer impact the same way as when they arose, but on the contrary, many of considered exaggerated and even humorous, and using the magic of the Internet network, there are many sites that make fun of his heroic actions, but above all the success he had with every shot or shots.

But in part these jokes are not so much by the exaggerations in his movies action but for now that Chuck Norris is a Christian-atheist before he has written several books on the subject, such as The Justice Riders, but also has appeared in television commercials for promoting Bible study and prayer in public schools, and estimates that arise from the taunts of his speeches and posturing that takes on the matter.

Even in 2007 used his popularity in the network to support the candidate for the Republican nomination for U.S. presidenciasles elections, Mike Huckabee, a promotional video in which both the applicant appeared and Chuck say a few truths.

His films include The Wrecking Crew (1969), Way of the Dragon (1972), The Student Teachers (1973), Slaughter in San Francisco (1974), The Warrior Within (1976), (documental), Bruce Lee, the Legend (1977) (documental), Breaker! Breaker! (1977), Good Guys Wear Black (1978), A Force of One (1979), The Octagon (1980), An Eye for an Eye (1981), Silent Rage (1982), Forced Vengeance (1982), Lone Wolf McQuade (1983), Missing in Action (1984), Missing in Action 2: The Beginning (1985), Code of Silence (1985), Invasion U.S.A. (1985), Fire Walker (1986), The Delta Force (1986), The Karate Kommandos (1986), Braddock: Missing in Action III (1988), Hero and the Terror (1988), Delta Force 2: The Colombian Connection (1990), Delta Force 3: The Killing Game (1991), The Hitman (1991), Sidekicks (1992), Hellbound (1994), Top Dog (1995), * Forest Warrior (1996), The President's Man (2000) , The President's Man 2: A Line in the Sand (2002), Bells of Innocence (2003), Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story (2004), The Contender (2005), The Cutter (2005), Walker, Sheriff of Texas: Judgement Under Fire (2005).
until Sunday. My email:

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Prk In Herpetic Scars

karate for over 50 years in the movies and 12 Oscar nominations

+ Won 3 Oscars. Prefer to accept only those films that quality conssderaba
+ Abandoned by his father, believed his mother was his sister and his grandmother, his mother
+ rose to fame with "Good Will Hunting" and "Cuckoo's Nest", both nominated


Jack Nicholson its almost 72 years old, are met by April 22, 2009 - has had a very active career in film. Although it should be noted that it has not made movies in droves, despite being active in film since 1958 to date, it has instead sought to work on issues that it considered that would promote his career. And that has allowed him to be one of the nominees, he has received a total of 12 nominations, and won 3 Oscars.

But it has also directed 4 of his films, has produced 6, has written the script of 6, has implemented a 4-song tape, and in total has worked in 72 films as well as where is now working on "The bucket list" alongside Morgan Freeman. It is worth noting that when he directed, wrote the script or playing music, was in the early years of his career, which was the most productive in terms of quality but also is comparable to the actions he has shown recientement, although in another facet.

For many, their very successful film as an actor was when he played an inmate of a mental hospital in "Cuckoo's Nest," which won the Oscar for best stellar performance. However, his first major action that shocked many who like good cinema, it was the movie "Easy Rider" (Easy Rider), which was not even the star actor, but it was an excellent work of Dennis Hopper as an actor and film director and co-writer, and Peter Fonda was also the star actor, both playing the role of rebel hippies of the sixties. He was also nominated for the Golden Globes

A year after this was their first performance really successful, Jack was again nominated for an Oscar and Golden Globe for "Five Easy Pieces" (My life is my life) and in 1973 for "The Last Detail" in 1974 by "Chinatown" who deserves to win the Globe Gold, in 1975 won the Oscar and Golden Globe for "Cuckoo's Nest" in 1981 was nominated for an Oscar for his coactuación in "Reds" and then in 1983 won the Oscar and Golden Globe for "Strength of affection "and two years later was nominated for an Oscar and Golden Glor win for" The Prizzi family honor "and in 1987 was nominated for an Oscar and Golden Globe for" Ironweed "(Ironweed), then 1989, he nominated Globe Gold huason his role in "Batman", then in 1993 he was nominated for an Oscar for "A Good Man" and in 1998 again won the Oscar and Golden Globe for the film "Better, impossible" and his latest nomination Oscar was in 2003 with "About Schmidt."

At the time of his first great success, was accused by feminists to be seen as a male abuser of women, which only considered as a sexual object, and they cited for example in "My life is my life" that leaves Karen Black at a gas station while in "Longing for love" (Carnal knowledge) press and abuses the lovely Ann-Margret to enforce them to the edge suicide, but Jack was defended by pointing out that simply played the character in the story of each tape, and nothing else. However, as his private life is very short relationships with women, and only he was married from 1962 to 1968 to actress Sandra Knight and today that relationship was born actress Jennifer Nicholson, then a relationship with Angelica Houston. However, in 1070 took his son Caleb with Susan Anspach, in 1981 after his daughter Honney Hollman with Danish supermodel Winnie Hollman, and then to their children the actress Lorraine Nicholson in 1990 and Raymond in 1992 with actress Rebecca Broussard.

With Morgan Freeman in "The Bucket List"

But he also went to actress Maria Schmneider-one that struck and impressed audiences of the seventies with an anal sex scene with Marlon Brando in "Last Tango in Paris" - before working with her in the film "Profession: reporter "directed by Michelangelo Antonioni.

When in 1971 he debuted as film director with "Drive, He Said" on the lust in a university, his popularity has plummeted because the film was a failure. And to top it off, then stepped in as an actor in "The King of Marvin Gardens" playing the role of a character who was unsure of his machismo that contrasted highly male with a brother who played Bruce Dern. That performance also helped his career at the time, but today is considered a good Interpetación, who think contrasted sharply with all male characters, so audiences had destanteado then.

And as we noted at the beginning, Jack was characterized by not filming everything that was offered, because if so, take a date more than 150 films because it has never ceased to be active in the 49 years of experience in screens. And so, as long assumed that she accepted the offer of the role of Michael in "The Godfather" and "The Sting" because although they were a great success commercially, creatively considered not worth it.

Obviously when he was offered "The Last Detail" where he plays a Marine, did not put any pretext and then found his success because he was nominated for an Oscar, or as happened to "Chinatown" directed by Roman Polanski with a detective story , and then when he starred with Warren Beatty in "The Fortune", was feared to be banned in Georgia, United States, and prohibited "Longing for love" to consider pornographic. But those were different times, they do not compare with the freedom of expression current.

As for his character, Jack came to testify in the eighties that "... everyone is possessive: this is one of the things that emphasize the feelings between men and women. Of course, being too possessive is irritating for the person with whom one has a relationship. But the truth, I do not like sharing my lady. And I guess she has the same opinion. " But he warned it would not necessarily sign a marriage contract with his lady. Not that I am strongly against the marriage. But I find that, except for the purpose of an interview, not much attention has formulated opinions on these issues. Once things start to happen, you know what do, regardless of the statements made previously.

Jack, real name John Joseph Nicholson was born in Neptune, New Jersey on April 22, 1937 and his father Don Furcillo Rose was a major alcoholic who was already married when he met Jack's mother, June Nicholson, it was a cabaret dancer. The pregnant and even married her, no matter who committed bigamy by being married already. But soon the left and the mother who raised Jack was very young, and his maternal grandparents, with whom Jack was so long that I thought were his parents and his mother, his sister. And never knew, but even when he was famous, he discovered the secret Time magazine. " His childhood was lonely, after completing basic education dream was to seek fortune in film and began working at Metro Goldwyn Mayer as office assistant at the same time was studying acting, and when I was working in theater, he was approached a young actor and offered to participate in the tape that he was producing, Roger Corman, entitled "The Cry Baby Killer" filmed in 1958. And thanks to Corman film managed to be in the next decade, and that was when Jack wrote the screenplay for "The Journey", held in 1967, precisely on the "trips" to the drug most famous of that time de hippies, el LSD.

Escena de "The Department"

Su más reciente participación en cine ha sido en 2007 en "The bucket list" junto a Morgan Freeman sobre el encuentro de dos enfermos terminales que su desgracia termina uniéndolos en una amistad singular a pesar de que sólo se han conocido cuando están internados en el hospital, y a pesar de que los separan grandes abismos, monetarios porque Jack interpreta a un millonario, y Morgan es un viejo de color y pobretón.

Y un año antes, en 2006, había trabajado en "El departamento" sobre policías que infiltran a un elemento para tratar de capturar a una peligrosa red de crimen organizado.

until Sunday. My email:

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Funeral Flowers Wording

Fernando Soto "butter" of over 160 funny movies

+ "We the poor", "You rich," "Pepe el Toro", their greatest hits
+ also with Pedro Infante in "The three Garcia" and "The return of Garcia"
+ also worked alongside Luis Aguilar, Cantinflas, Tin Tan, David Silva


Soto "Butter" was a great comic actor, very talented, because he had a great time in the tents, then in the theater and film magazine where he worked in over 160 films between 1938 to 1977 he worked alongside the biggest stars of the golden age of Mexican cinema as Pedro Infante, Jorge Negrete, Germain Valdez "Tin Tan", Luis Aguilar, David Silva, Cantinflas, Roberto Canedo, Fernando Soler, Sara García, among others, demonstrating the qualities he inherited from his father, Robert "The Bulgy" Soto.

Astol Fernando Soto was born in the state of Puebla on April 15, 1911 and died on May 11, 1980 in Mexico City, of diabetes. In the beginning

toured Mexico with a show camp assistants in different companies artistic, and then with his own show. It cartacterizó being a pure comedian, not as his father who was noted for his scathing critique or two-way, plus it was considered the initiator of political jokes, because when it was rumored that President Calles had ordered murder Pancho Villa, comedian "Bulgy" Soto yelled "Who killed Pancho Villa? and the ironic answer "street ... it." The film

began in 1938 with the film "Mexico Lindo" starring Juanita Aponte and Rafael Barceló, but in which his father also worked Fernando Soto. And it was not until three years later when he to work alongside Cantinflas film in "No blood and sand" in which he played the role of "Sharif". And then did not return to work in film until 1943 in "The Rebel" with Jorge Negrete and María Elena Marqués.

In "Illusion Travels by Streetcar"

And after that film, theater and worked less in the tents, to make more movies because the following year, 1944, already had been offered two films, "Grand Hotel" Cantinflas "Daughter of the Regiment" with Luis G. Barreiro. And then in 1945 he worked in 4 movies "The memory of a waltz" with Emilio Tuero, "As Mexico is a "Tito Guizar," Single and twin "with Amanda Ledesma and Jose Cibrian," The mysteries of the underworld "with Maria Antonieta Pons. And so it went in the following years, with many interventions in comedies, but also dramas.

But it was in 1946 when his fame rose to intervene in the successful "Uncrowned Champion" directed by Alejandro Galindo with a big role as David Silva and the film won 4 Ariels. But I also did very well with "The Neguib barchante "who directed and starred Joaquin Pardavé.

In 1947 he was great with his popularity to participate in the sequel" The three Garcia "and" The return of Garcia! " directed by Ismael Rodríguez were filmed the same year, also speaking Sara Garcia, Marga Lopez and Abel Salazar.

Then followed other hits like "I'm Rancho Charro large" with Pedro Infante, "John Charrasqueado" with Pedro Armendariz, and in the movie "The three huastecos" also directed by Ismael Rodríguez in which Pedro Infante had three characters star, receiving 6 nominations to Ariel.

With David Silva in "Corner drop"

in 1948 was co-starring role in "Esquina, down ...!" directed by Alejandro Galindo and the film won 2 Ariels and two nominations including one for the excellent performance of David Silva. This film is considered within the list of those that were considered as the 100 best Mexican films of all time. Has been considered a good urban comedy, but emphasizing the naturalness of David Silva in his role as the director's job, as well as dialogues and always cheerful atmosphere allowed the tape amused from beginning to end. And that meant that the tape was very popular in 1948 especially for the great discontent existed among the inhabitants of Mexico City by the constant changes in urbanization and the tape would address the matter in his favor.

Then in 1948 came the beginning of a tape that would be the biggest box office in Mexico, but that would be the beginning of a trilogy of dramas that probably never would imagine its creator Ismael Rodríguez magnitude would be. Because in reality the success already sensed that Pedro Infante would become a great idol and actor and singer since he directed her in "The three Garcia" and the sequel "The return of Smith."

with "We the poor" Ismael Rodríguez won the humble people, workers, artisans and carpenters, farmers, small traders, that is precisely the poor showing the tape. And it became a huge success that more than 50 years away still excited and making her shiver and cry with his drama of the three that make up the trilogy: "We the poor", "You rich" and "Pepe el Toro." And the characters remain in the memory of many, as Chachita or Esther White Pavón-sentimental partner Pedro Infante, as the blasting and the time he had released "Pepe el Toro" -1953 - and the public had cried for her tragic death while riding in a plane flown by Pedro Infante and which had to put a large metal plate on the front that you could see in his next film.

But not originally thought about making a trilogy because they did not exist in Mexico, because the only thing that came to produce was a sequel, or two films of the same issue as happened to "The three Garcia" and "return of the Smith" or "Full speed" and " What gave you that woman? ", all with Pedro Infante. But at the end of it, but seeing the box office hit of the remaining two decided to make changes to history-of Carlos González Dueñas-and changing the subject adapter scriptwriter Roger A. González, for the same film's director Ismael Rodriguez and Carlos Orellana.

The excellent and very natural performances of Pedro Infante, Evita Muñoz "Chachita" and Esther White Pavón, were and remain key to achieving that success and fondness for over 50 years of filmmaking, do not know many who seek it and those who have already seen it, rebuild it. Then in 1954

Fernando Soto "Butter" worked under the leadership of the great English director Luis Buñuel in "Illusion Travels by Streetcar" with Lilia Prado, Carlos Navarro in which he and "Butter" after getting drunk decided to steal the tram know it will be withdrawn from circulation because they are badly deteriorated. Luis Buñuel won public recognition to provide a quality comedy with a great sense of humor but also with ironies. However, some have considered it one of the tapes less important in the career of the filmmaker.

also worked on other successful and well known films like say I'm a womanizer, the seminarian, Two fighting cocks in the mouth I kiss you, Cartas a Eufemia, There is grief, pain, pain, You and the clouds, to River Bandits Cold, Let me touch the swallows, Lovesick, The Fair of San Marcos, we blame, if I do not gossip, Fox Avenger, here come the Argumedo, El mariachi sings, The Northern, The rights of children, Guadalajara in summer, will follow suit, The Life of Pedro Infante, guitar guitars weep, and as fighting cocks -1977 - that was the last in which he worked, 3 years before his death.

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