Sunday, October 4, 2009

Seafarers And Cities And Knights

"a possibility or a utopia? Iran recognizes

About the latest resolution of the Security Council UN asking the world's nations to work for a world without atomic bombs , it is worth wondering whether is that nuclear disarmament can be a reality next or perhaps a mere utopia.

According to an article published in the newspaper El Comercio , there are currently about 24,000 nuclear weapons in the world, most of them obviously held by the United States and Russia, of this total , 2.000 would be ready to be operated at any time, but as you know, enough only a small percentage of these weapons to destroy the entire planet.

In summary, the ranking of countries that possess nuclear warheads is as follows:

1 - United States 7.900.
2 - 4.138 Russia.
3 - China 400.
4 - France 300.
5 - United Kingdom 200.
6 - Israel 100 to 200.
7 - Pakistan 60.
8 - India from 50 to 60.

Notably, of these countries Pakistan, India and Israel, not part of the 189 countries that have signed the Treaty Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) of the UN.

should also include the countries that allegedly in the process of nuclear weapons Iran, North Korea and Syria . Of these only Syria is in the NPT , North Korea signed the pact but, revoked his signature on the 2003 and Iran since 2004, is suspected by some powers like the U.S. and Japan, to carry a secret nuclear weapons program.

Given these data, the question of concern to analysts and experts is whether the future can stop this proliferation of nuclear weapons or, conversely, decrease with treaties, sanctions and other international mechanisms.

For some, the answer is in the military sought from countries like Iran, North Korea and Syria, while others say the ball is in the power range as the United States and Russia, which should set an example and start a bilateral reduction of nuclear weapons. Anyway

in May 2010 will be held the Conference NPT Review , and there we have perhaps a closer response to the question posed at the beginning of the article: nuclear disarmament is an achievable goal or a simple utopia ? We have to wait next year to find out.

Here I give you the complete list of members the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) UN :


Afghanistan Albania Andorra

Angola Antigua and Barbuda

Saudi Arabia Algeria Argentina

Armenia Australia Austria

Azerbaijan Bahamas

Bahrain Bangladesh

Barbados Belgium Belize

Belarus Benin Bolivia

Bosnia-Herzegovina Botswana

Brazil Brunei Bulgaria

Burkina Faso Burundi

Bhutan Cape Verde Cambodia

Cameroon Canada

Ciudad del Vaticano

Chad Chile China

Cyprus Colombia Comoros

South Korea Ivory Coast Costa Rica

Croatia Cuba Denmark


Ecuador Egypt El Salvador

United Arab Emirates Eritrea Slovakia

Slovenia Spain

Federated States of Micronesia United States

Estonia Ethiopia

Fiji Philippines Finland

France Gabon Gambia

Georgia Ghana Greece

Grenada Guatemala Guyana

Guinea Guinea-Bissau Equatorial Guinea

Honduras Hungary

Indonesia Iran Iraq

Marshall Islands Solomon Islands

Iceland Italy Jamaica

Japón Jordan Kazakhstan


Kiribati Kuwait Kyrgyzstan

Laos Latvia Lesotho

Lebanon Liberia Libya

Liechtenstein Lithuania

Luxembourg Madagascar Malawi

Malaysia Maldives Mali

Malta Mauritania Morocco

Mexico Moldova Monaco

Mozambique Myanmar

Namibia Nauru

Nepal Nicaragua Niger

Nigeria Norway Oman
New Zealand

Countries Bajo
Palau Panama

Papua New Guinea Paraguay

Peru Poland Portugal

Central African Republic
Czech Republic
Republic of Macedonia
Republic of Congo
Democratic Republic of Congo
Dominican Republic
San Cristóbal and Nieves
San Marino
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Santa Luzia
Sao Tome and Principe Senegal

Serbia and Montenegro Seychelles

Sierra Leone Singapore

Syria Somalia Sri Lanka


Sudan Sweden Switzerland

Suriname Swaziland

Thailand Tanzania Tajikistan

East Timor

Togo Tonga Trinidad and Tobago

Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan

Tuvalu Uganda Ukraine

Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu

Venezuela Vietnam Yemen

Djibouti Zambia Zimbabwe


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