Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Mount And Blade Native Indir


A report by British newspaper The Independent , the Persian Gulf oil states well as Russia, China, Japan and France, would be in talks secertas to replace the dollar as oil transaction currency.

Instead they would be thinking of the Japanese yen, Chinese yuan, the euro, gold and created a common currency by the countries of the Cooperation Council Gulf , comprising Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait, among others.

I refuse

However, after the publication of the report, officials from these countries were quick to deny this fact.

President of the Central Bank of Saudi Arabia, Muhammad al-Jasser, described as "absolutely incorrect" information of the average British, while the government of Japan, said he was unaware of any negotiations to end the use of dollar.

On the other hand, the Russian deputy finance minister Dmitry Pankin, told the Russian news agency Novosti, which your country is not part of the talks.

A former proposal

However, this would not be a new proposal in previous years and countries like Brazil, Iran and China called for the dollar is no longer the currency of this important world market.

Moreover, with respect to China, in March the Central Bank suggested that the U.S. currency should be replaced by a new currency of global reach that would be handled by the International Monetary Fund.

Precisely, the chairman of this institution, Robert Zoellick recently warned in a ceremony held in Istanbul that dollar would not be in the future the dominant currency and would have to join the euro and the yuan renminbi, to form a "currency basket", which inevitably would create a different world.

The newspaper The Independent notes that the change in U.S. currency for other currencies could be done in a period of nine years.


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