Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Pinnacle .net 2.0 Error


Is for alarm? The news that an asteroid exploded in the atmosphere of Indonesia with a capacity of three atomic bombs that exploded in Hiroshima and that despite this danger has not been detected by any terrestrial telescope, should be cause for alarm or not.

ask this because I think the press is taking too lightly the event. That is, a meteorite that three times might cause the destruction of Hiroshima and nobody entered the world detected it is not this a concern?

not trying to be alarmist, but perhaps not a little concern. That is, we are ready or not for an event of this nature. Please note: the asteroid exploded on October 8 and has just been confirmed by NASA on October 27. And I repeat, was three times more powerful than the Hiroshima atomic bomb. Luckily, burst into the atmosphere and not on land or at sea.

admit I do not know everything about asteroids, telescopes and kilotons, so leave the question open for connoisseurs who may believe that you are exaggerating and the unfamiliar, as one who believes you have to be alert.

repeat the question what an asteroid have entered Earth's atmosphere can have a power of three atomic bombs and has not been detected by any telescope, is cause for alarm?

Monday, October 26, 2009

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Calentamiento Global: Cuando lo sientas ya será tarde

Advertise on global warming .

Friday, October 16, 2009

I Have Lost My Vip Lock No. What I Do?

ONU condena a Israel y Hamás por crímenes de guerra en Gaza

The Human Rights Council adopted the report blames Israel and the Islamist movement Hamas for having committed war crimes during confrontation which was conducted between last December and January in the Gaza Strip and had a balance of 1,387 Palestinians and 13 Israelis dead.

The report, submitted by Justice Richard Goldstone the Security Council United Nations , had 25 votes, among which include the countries of China and Russia, 6 against, including the United States, 11 abstentions, mostly from Europe and Africa, and four countries including France and England is, refused to vote.

Israel rejects report

Given this, the government of Israel totally rejected the charges and noted the report that the voting in the Council "undermines global peace" and "encourages terrorist organizations around the world."

The resolution proposes that the parties to the conflict to demonstrate Security Council within six months credible internal investigations into alleged abuses. Otherwise, the case could be referred to prosecutors International Court of Justice in The Hague .

How To Tell If A Man Likes Me

A fin de año habrá 1,020 millones de hambrientos en el mundo, según ONU

Global Food Crisis. The Organization of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the Program World Food Programme (WFP) have published a report warning that the number of hungry people in the world will reach the end of this year of 1.020 million.

According to the FAO in just one year, the number affected increased from 963 to 1.020, representing an increase of 9%, most of them women and children.

The director general of the agency, Jacques Diouf , described the situation as "intolerable" and said that although the world now has the technical and economic capacity to solve this problem that remains is a "political will" to eradication.

"World leaders reacted forcefully to the economic and financial crisis and were able to mobilize billions of dollars in a very short period of time [...] The same vigorous action is necessary to combat hunger and poverty," claimed Diouf .

As for the distribution of hunger, the figures are as follows: In Asia Pacific there are 642 million people suffer from this problem in sub-Saharan Africa 265 million in Latin America and the Caribbean 53 million in the Middle East and North Africa 42 million in developed countries 15 million people.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Model Greetings For Church

Clinton señala que Nobel de la Paz no influirá en Obama sobre tema Afganistán

Secretary of State of the United States, Hillary Clinton , said the Nobel Prize for Peace given the president Barack Obama not affect the president's decision on sending more troops or not to Afghanistan.

Clinton, said that while the importance of the prize as a way to restore the image of the U.S., denied that he intends to exercise some pressure on Obama when deciding on the future of military strategy in Afghanistan .

"It will not influence any of the difficult decisions has to make, "said U.S. Secretary of State.

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Corea del Norte lanza cinco misiles de corto alcance

continues with evidence. After three months for, North Korea on Monday re-launched five short-range missiles from Musudan-ri in North Hamgyeong Province, located on its east coast, reported South Korean news agency Yonhap.

This release is made after Pyongyang undertook to return to the negotiating table over its nuclear program .

Friday, October 9, 2009

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Barack Obama obtiene Premio Nobel de la Paz

surprise. The Norwegian Nobel Committee decided to award the Nobel Peace the president of the United States, Barack Obama , because of their "extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation among peoples, specifically, for his vision and work for "a world without nuclear weapons."

The ruling noted that "over 108 years the Norwegian Nobel Committee has sought to stimulate precisely that international politics and those attitudes that Obama is the new global spokesman."

Barack Obama becomes and the third president in U.S. activity to win the award after Theodore Roosevelt (1906) and Woodrow Wilson (1919).

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Mount And Blade Native Indir


A report by British newspaper The Independent , the Persian Gulf oil states well as Russia, China, Japan and France, would be in talks secertas to replace the dollar as oil transaction currency.

Instead they would be thinking of the Japanese yen, Chinese yuan, the euro, gold and created a common currency by the countries of the Cooperation Council Gulf , comprising Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait, among others.

I refuse

However, after the publication of the report, officials from these countries were quick to deny this fact.

President of the Central Bank of Saudi Arabia, Muhammad al-Jasser, described as "absolutely incorrect" information of the average British, while the government of Japan, said he was unaware of any negotiations to end the use of dollar.

On the other hand, the Russian deputy finance minister Dmitry Pankin, told the Russian news agency Novosti, which your country is not part of the talks.

A former proposal

However, this would not be a new proposal in previous years and countries like Brazil, Iran and China called for the dollar is no longer the currency of this important world market.

Moreover, with respect to China, in March the Central Bank suggested that the U.S. currency should be replaced by a new currency of global reach that would be handled by the International Monetary Fund.

Precisely, the chairman of this institution, Robert Zoellick recently warned in a ceremony held in Istanbul that dollar would not be in the future the dominant currency and would have to join the euro and the yuan renminbi, to form a "currency basket", which inevitably would create a different world.

The newspaper The Independent notes that the change in U.S. currency for other currencies could be done in a period of nine years.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Seafarers And Cities And Knights

"a possibility or a utopia? Iran recognizes

About the latest resolution of the Security Council UN asking the world's nations to work for a world without atomic bombs , it is worth wondering whether is that nuclear disarmament can be a reality next or perhaps a mere utopia.

According to an article published in the newspaper El Comercio , there are currently about 24,000 nuclear weapons in the world, most of them obviously held by the United States and Russia, of this total , 2.000 would be ready to be operated at any time, but as you know, enough only a small percentage of these weapons to destroy the entire planet.

In summary, the ranking of countries that possess nuclear warheads is as follows:

1 - United States 7.900.
2 - 4.138 Russia.
3 - China 400.
4 - France 300.
5 - United Kingdom 200.
6 - Israel 100 to 200.
7 - Pakistan 60.
8 - India from 50 to 60.

Notably, of these countries Pakistan, India and Israel, not part of the 189 countries that have signed the Treaty Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) of the UN.

should also include the countries that allegedly in the process of nuclear weapons Iran, North Korea and Syria . Of these only Syria is in the NPT , North Korea signed the pact but, revoked his signature on the 2003 and Iran since 2004, is suspected by some powers like the U.S. and Japan, to carry a secret nuclear weapons program.

Given these data, the question of concern to analysts and experts is whether the future can stop this proliferation of nuclear weapons or, conversely, decrease with treaties, sanctions and other international mechanisms.

For some, the answer is in the military sought from countries like Iran, North Korea and Syria, while others say the ball is in the power range as the United States and Russia, which should set an example and start a bilateral reduction of nuclear weapons. Anyway

in May 2010 will be held the Conference NPT Review , and there we have perhaps a closer response to the question posed at the beginning of the article: nuclear disarmament is an achievable goal or a simple utopia ? We have to wait next year to find out.

Here I give you the complete list of members the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) UN :


Afghanistan Albania Andorra

Angola Antigua and Barbuda

Saudi Arabia Algeria Argentina

Armenia Australia Austria

Azerbaijan Bahamas

Bahrain Bangladesh

Barbados Belgium Belize

Belarus Benin Bolivia

Bosnia-Herzegovina Botswana

Brazil Brunei Bulgaria

Burkina Faso Burundi

Bhutan Cape Verde Cambodia

Cameroon Canada

Ciudad del Vaticano

Chad Chile China

Cyprus Colombia Comoros

South Korea Ivory Coast Costa Rica

Croatia Cuba Denmark


Ecuador Egypt El Salvador

United Arab Emirates Eritrea Slovakia

Slovenia Spain

Federated States of Micronesia United States

Estonia Ethiopia

Fiji Philippines Finland

France Gabon Gambia

Georgia Ghana Greece

Grenada Guatemala Guyana

Guinea Guinea-Bissau Equatorial Guinea

Honduras Hungary

Indonesia Iran Iraq

Marshall Islands Solomon Islands

Iceland Italy Jamaica

Japón Jordan Kazakhstan


Kiribati Kuwait Kyrgyzstan

Laos Latvia Lesotho

Lebanon Liberia Libya

Liechtenstein Lithuania

Luxembourg Madagascar Malawi

Malaysia Maldives Mali

Malta Mauritania Morocco

Mexico Moldova Monaco

Mozambique Myanmar

Namibia Nauru

Nepal Nicaragua Niger

Nigeria Norway Oman
New Zealand

Countries Bajo
Palau Panama

Papua New Guinea Paraguay

Peru Poland Portugal

Central African Republic
Czech Republic
Republic of Macedonia
Republic of Congo
Democratic Republic of Congo
Dominican Republic
San Cristóbal and Nieves
San Marino
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Santa Luzia
Sao Tome and Principe Senegal

Serbia and Montenegro Seychelles

Sierra Leone Singapore

Syria Somalia Sri Lanka


Sudan Sweden Switzerland

Suriname Swaziland

Thailand Tanzania Tajikistan

East Timor

Togo Tonga Trinidad and Tobago

Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan

Tuvalu Uganda Ukraine

Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu

Venezuela Vietnam Yemen

Djibouti Zambia Zimbabwe