Tuesday, March 22, 2011

How To Repair Number Lock In Vip Suitcases

attack on Libya, equinox and Easter 2011

  1. Sometimes we spend so important dates such as equinoxes and other dates that are good astrologically significant. We are not astrologers but good observers and try to make sense to so far that we wanted and to go unnoticed and usually coincide with the pagan calendar, days of concentrated energy to do rituals to the gods.
  2. already posted about the tsunami in Japan, after a strange astronomical triangulation with the planet Venus that is always present in high-impact events and global significance, why? if anyone knows what we discuss, here we are just awaiting the details and to mention them because they do not have all the answers to many questions and mysteries. Some

Once we speak of a musical event would take place in Mexico called the awakening of the gods, (youtube link) we mentioned then that would be held exactly at the equinox, and in that time have always been paid for accumulate energy to "call, invoking ancient gods, especially energy used by new age, occult and satanic elite course. Well, we have seen that the attacks of 9 / 11, 3 / 11 and tsunami to name only a few have had to do with dates also make great energetic movements that are used by the elite to destabilize the population, pick lower feelings such as fear, panic, anxiety to bring the gods.

The attack on Libya in recent days "coincided" with the spring equinox, dated 20/03/2011 which incidentally gives us the sum of which 9 (see previous post), when thousands of people gather supposedly sacred sites and pyramids in Egypt, Mexico, and "recharge" and invoke the feathered serpent god reptilian nothing more, nothing less. This attack reminds us that during the past equinox 2003 showed the same operation to attack Saddam Hussein, war cry made by Bush on the same date, call us crazy but rather have those dates that always attacks the elite are based on such quadratures, alignments, etc and not doubt, have everything to do with the opening of the portals that we have always stressed in this blog, the 11:11 portal and the great lineup of 2012. We know beforehand that illuminati ritual requires blood, pain, fear and ADRENALCROMO in large quantities, so do not hesitate for a second that all this is happening in the last days is a megaritual split into different rituals to the gods, bring for them to lead the new world order, yes, you must bathe the earth in blood. Apart

all, the influence of the planet of war, Mars, and games with the famous number 11 which sends the worst influences on those dates and how best to seize it by the elite for their favorite games destructive war while the population still sleepy by the chemicals in foods, as makers and even when it smeared, poor souls are events occur so they can not make connections to why the wars in areas where they led in their time Anunnaki gods and so many disasters caused strange with toys apocalyptic elite, HAARP.

When approved attack on Libya, the measure was approved by 22 countries and returns and enters the numbers game Satanists they love and gives good results. 11-22-33 favorite teachers are the numbers of the Illuminati manipulative. Hopefully the day you wake up the majority of the population is not too late because as things stand, leader of the alien agenda to impose a new world order is coming, do not ask when, just look around and stay tuned analyzing every little detail because that is where the key to all this. Remember

also initiated what is Easter, I leave you with a video associated with it because everything is connected to the same; those who still believe that the saints sudan


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