Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Mera Naam Jokar Seemi Garewal Scenes

So the Illuminati: Japan Nuclear Plants tsunami Tsunami

Needless to say who the owners of nuclear plants that exist in our countries, which have supposedly created to increase efficiency in energy production is supplied to each city and reducing costs which is not very important or not important at the cumulative effects that occur in the medium and long term. In the cities there are any? in my case, yes. Finally, after the first plant that exploded in Japan after the earthquake occurred on March 11, many questions are in the air, nobody has spoken about what are the real implications for human health not only of the Japanese. Japan is a country a world power, not only major exporter of motorcycles and cars, as well as hear, is also one of the major exporters food, rice, sardines, tuna, processed juices, sushi, mushrooms, sauces, fish, seafood, meats, fruits, canned and also other products that could be coming to our homes after the tragedy in their desire to start again to stabilize the U.S. economy. These are some of the risks that have told us we could run when leakage of radioactive material, what are the implications of exposure to nuclear radiation? Professor Paddy Regan, an expert on radiation and environmental protection at the University of Surrey in England said that "people living in the vicinity of the Japanese plants, the risk depends on the level of radiation released in the explosions. "To our knowledge, the reports speak of lower levels of radioactive contamination. Reports by whom? perhaps even more not to frighten the population and prevent a panic Caps proportions. Everyone knows that always tells the truth and less, if the truth is published in television as BBC, ABC, etc. These are some of the risks that may arise in the long term:
  • In the long term moderate exposure to radiation can cause cancer induction, but usually in very low percentages of the population. Poisoning
  • When a person is exposed to excessive levels of radiation are already talking about radiation poisoning.
  • This type of exposure, called ionizing radiation has enough energy to ionize matter, ie interfere with their baseline and in the case of the body, interfering with the process of cell division.
  • This type of radiation causes serious problems after the first round of mild symptoms, can cause a short period without apparent disease.

However, potentially fatal injuries can occur to internal organs, completely disrupt the process of growth and division cells. And the damage caused by radiation may also result in changes or mutations in DNA, which can be passed from one generation to another.

The unit used to measure radiation absorbed dose is the gray (Gy ). exposure to a quantity of four Gy radiation often causes death in half of healthy adults contaminated. There are medications that can increase production of white blood cells of the body to counteract the damage that can occur in a way to strengthen the immune system. There are also specific drugs to help reduce damage to internal organs caused by radioactive particles such as iodine. Although

anything at the moment of panic but we live near Japan, "In these circumstances it is likely that those who are most at risk are employees of nuclear plant or rescue workers if they are exposed to high levels of radiation, "says the expert

A radioactive contamination can be diminished or eliminated by special cleaning techniques, while the external exposure can not be removed, when in contact with skin or food to be the case (when it becomes contaminated a soil, the plants , and animals that eat these plants, may themselves become contaminated.) can also contaminate water and even air . While we are at a considerable distance from the events of recent days, nobody can guarantee that pollution does not come to our countries to a greater or lesser extent, not by others as a preventive in the coming days to review the labels of the products we buy, we're going to eat because we might be acquiring in the future food contaminated with radiation, as things stand it is best to avoid risks and protect as it is within our reach, because we know that the elite is ruthless and and some nations have begun to approve the import of these products Japanese to "help them out of the tragedy" , and whether or disasters that inevitably happen through contaminated air wind come to our places of origin and therefore no way, gone are which are outside our control, we can only pray for the japanese that are struggling, now is they, who assures us that tomorrow we are not affected us, may God protect us and protect.


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