HAARP, High Frequency Auroral Research Project Advanced. Project consists of 180 antennas will be working together as a single antenna that deliver 1 GW = 1,000,000,000 W, ie one billion waves of high frequency radio which penetrate the lower atmosphere and interact with the flow of Aureal elecrojets
- What is Electrojet?. Electricity is a floating above the Earth called Aureal electrojet, the energy deposited in it change the medium, changing the current and wave generating LF (Low Frequency) and VLF (Very Low Frequency). HAARP is intended to bring the electrojet to Earth in order to take advantage of a large generating station. The electrojet affect global climate, sometimes during a thunderstorm actually touch the earth, affecting telephone communications and electric cables, electrical supply interruption and even changes in the emotional state of being human. There
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